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>n"P}>e[>4^. Web2| 2019 2021 HFFA Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) As provided by law, the Employer agrees to deduct from the payroll of any present or future Employee who is not a member of the Union a service fee in an amount certified by the Union to be equivalent to membership dues. >> endobj stream /Tabs /S /Author (Mackay, Christian) 26 0 obj 112 0 obj /Type /XObject * New agreement was recently ratified. /DocuSignConversionCorrelationToken (0d2fbd42-4d1e-4d37-914b-cddf0003b4ca)
/F 4 /ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI ] Rutgers is an equal access/equal opportunity institution. /X0 230 0 R /Length 4 >> << Inadvertent errors are possible. /Type /Page << Webaffected firefighters. 116 0 obj
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/S /Transparency >> Webagreement, the Act requires a government employer to compensate firefighters based on terms that are substantially equal to those in comparable private-sector employment.1 This dispute arises from the City of Houstons collective-bargaining impasse with the Houston Professional Fire Fighters Association, Local 341. >>
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WebIAFF CBA 1/1/2022 - 12/31/2024 IAFF 2022 CBA_18FEB2022.docx A COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT between INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF FIREFIGHTERS LOCAL 2764 and THE CITY OF TALLMADGE, OHIO Effective: January 1, 2022 Expires: December 31, 2024 03/16/2022 2279-05 21-MED-09-1086 /X0 235 0 R >> However, if either of these parties objects, OLMS will not accept the CBA. 38 0 obj 200 0 obj
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