The DT method can only determine whether, due to the mediator effect, the importance of a factor has diminished or disappeared. 0000037553 00000 n
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This first MOOC also made ample use of several social media applications, such as blogs, forums, Facebook, Second Life ( Kaplan & Haenlein, 2009 ), and Wikis ( Kaplan & Haenlein, 2014 ). 0000003031 00000 n
To put that number in perspec- The challenges and opportunities of Social Media 3.1.
To the best of our knowledge, no surveys have been conducted so far on the intermediary role of KM between SM and the quality of services. Furthermore, social media is available on mobile and web-based This finding was expected for the group of analyzed companies, where, in addition to good knowledge of the user, it is desirable to ensure and increase the users participation and cooperation in the processes of creating solutions. Articles 120. IT companies operating in the territories of Montenegro, Serbia, Slovenia, Croatia, Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Austria, Albania, Bulgaria, Romania, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Hungary, Germany and Switzerland took part in the survey. <<18564799D50A8C4290D70BE711113FFF>]/Prev 116079/XRefStm 1351>>
Second, the method effectively identified the most important predictors and trajectories between predictors and target variables without specifying functional form and testing for normality, correlation, multicollinearity, and other preconditions required by regression. The process of the induction of the tree occurs in three steps: Thus, a tree-like model is generated, whose paths from the root to the leaves represent the classification if-then rules, which show the interactive impact of the attributes on the corresponding target class. the overall quality of knowledge. The second part served to investigate the influence of four KM functions on the quality of the analyzed service that companies offer. This paper contains practical insights on the consumer use and business potential of social media applications. In Model 2, information about the business intentions of clients that is presented on SM is most important for KM (a5) (this activity alone accounts for 45% of the importance of all client activities on SM). We will now provide more detail on each of these six different types of Social Media, and discuss the challenges and opportunities they offer companies. This element, in interaction with association, provides the best input for assessing the quality of a service. Finally, the overall importance of other activities is about 2%.
and transmitted securely.
Nowadays the Social media are a typical system for, The emergence of Internet-based social media has enabled social networks for online collaboration, interaction, communication and knowledge sharing between users who have common interests, needs or. Taking into account the differences between companies depending on the type of customers, it seems justifiable to expect that future studies will lead to findings that will, in the light of the potential of SM, contribute to better understanding of the differences between B2B and B2C.
0000004228 00000 n This finding corroborated earlier studies [3537] which showed that the impact of certain elements of KM on different aspects of business operations mostly depended on their area of economic activity. All relevant data are within the manuscript and its Supporting Information files.
The .gov means its official. A classification scheme for social media is presented by classifying them into six different groups: collaborative projects, blogs and microblogs, content
0000007556 00000 n First, it has been shown that DT can effectively handle a large number of input variables, without the need to reduce them, i.e. Agreeing with those authors who have recognized a lack of studies in quality self-evaluation [20, 19], this study aims to specifically investigate to what extent SM activities in the analyzed companies, that is, the engagement of SM that functions as KM are able to contribute to the quality of IT services. Zwass [56] recognizes the role of KM as an intermediary between SM and value creation in new product development processes, while Sigala and Chalkiti [6] prove that KM plays an important intermediary role between SM activities and creativity of employees. Agency for Control and Quality Assurance of Higher Education, Podgorica, Montenegro. Faculty of Economics, University of Montenegro, Podgorica, Montenegro, 2 As previously established, in the analyzed companies KM is a mediator for the second of these activities in the SM, while the first one is not monitored in the form of a formal KM process. The leaves of the tree present groups of cases that have high or low importance in terms of SM for KM. The DT method, by contrast, automatically detects the importance of various factors to the dependent variable, without the need to specify in advance any form of hypothesis about these dependencies. An important indicator of the importance of the rule is the number of cases covered by the rule. On the basis of the rule that corresponds to Node 3, it can be seen that a low importance of the efficient storage of knowledge from SM in the company associated with a low importance of KM in terms of the quality of service.
TLDR. Understanding the functional building blocks of Social Media, Zhang J, Qu Y, Cody J, Wu Y A case study of micro-blogging in the enterprise: use, value, and related issues. In the context of service quality, Stewart and Waddell [43] proved a direct dependence between KM and the quality management of services provided to users, as was also demonstrated later by Scarso and Bolisani [34]. 0000015960 00000 n In the available literature, the quality of services is analyzed either through quality dimensions [16, 17], or through perceptions of the quality of services [18], whereby, in most cases, only the client perception is taken into account [19].
WebA Classification System for Social Media Kaplan and Haenlein (2010) classify social media types into six categories based on a three-level (low, medium, and high) social presence/media richness scale and a two-level (low and high) self-presentation/self-disclosure scale. 2017. The findings obtained via SM on the demand for information related to new IT technologies and services by clients, along with the information about the past contribution of their employees, can significantly influence the quality of service. Penguin2008, User participation in software design via Social Media: experiences from a case study with consumers, AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction, It's all B2B and beyond: Toward a systems perspective of the market, Refining virtual co-creation from a consumer perspective, What drives social commerce: The role of social support and relationship quality, International Journal of Electronic Commerce,, Low Visibility and Low Association and Low Editability, Low Visibility and Low Association and High Editability, High Knowledge_Storage and High Knowledge_Sharing, High Knowledge_Storage and Low Knowledge_Sharing and High Knowledge_Collection, High Knowledge_Storage and Low Knowledge_Sharing and Low Knowledge_Collection, Low Knowledge_Storage and Low Knowledge_Sharing and Low Knowledge_Collection, High d5 and High d2 and Low b3 and Low a7 and High b1, High d5 and High d2 and Low b3 and Low a7 and Low b1. Activities for which it has been established that they have an interactive relevance can then be implemented within a formal KM process in order to achieve as much efficiency as possible. In the literature, this process is an umbrella term covering a whole range of interdependent and related functions. Business performance can indirectly be affected by IT resources, due to their influence on other resources or other possibilities [53]. 0000002625 00000 n
Although the DT method has several advantages, as pointed out earlier, it does not detect causal relationships between variables. This is especially important for IT services since from client communication useful information can be obtained about the use of technologies, their disadvantages, needs for better solutions etc. KM that well reflects SM client activities, and thus effectively affects the quality of service, implies identifying SM activities that are important for the quality of service, but also determining which activities in interaction with each other have the greatest relevance for the quality of service. 0000004779 00000 n
Client information on the behaviour of experts and employees while working on projects is critical to improving the quality of IT services. This finding is inconsistent with the findings from all the studies previously referred to in this paper [42, 65, 67]. The classification of SM benefits offered by Treem and Leonardi [57] served as the basis to identify these 20 variables. The review of the key areas of academic discussion in this field (KM, the quality of IT services, and social media, as well as their relationships), was a motivation to conduct a detailed study which would investigate the link between SM and KM practices, and KM and the quality of IT services. 0000005579 00000 n
In other words, KM has an intermediary effect for these two SM activities. 0000008974 00000 n
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European Management Journal 27 (3), 197-212, 2009. The IT companies were chosen for consideration because they operate in a turbulent and challenging competitive environment, have the potential to better implement and understand KM management tools than others [15], and are a particularly good example of how this practice can be implemented in other industries. 0000006764 00000 n
Holtzblatt et al. This study was carried out for B2B companies, which does not mean that the fact should be neglected that B2B and B2C may have different perceptions of the potentials of SM, that is, of their impact on KM, and, thus, the impact on the quality of the services offered.
0000005743 00000 n the recent increase in the, The topic A Analysis Document on Social Media: an Academic Tool was performed to research the significance of public press in the academic sector. 0000001682 00000 n The focus of the research is the use of external SM by these companies to track and understand service users, gather business ideas and innovations. From this follows that IT companies should integrate these two types of information within a common formal KM process. 0000009257 00000 n As with all research, this study has certain limitations. WebKaplan and Michael Haenlein define social media as "a group of Internet-based applications that are built on the ideological and technological foundations of Web 2.0, and that allow the creation and exchange of user-generated content (Kaplan, & Haenlein, 2010). Sales, BD, Partnerships @ Alchemy | Prev. [54] prove that, through improved social capital, SM contributes to the management of organizational knowledge, i.e. There are also several important individual client activities in SM (the ones through which clients inform companies about the ways in which employees and experts behave during the course of solving project tasks, as well as about their employees' contribution so far), whose importance tothe assessment of the quality of IT services is indirectly transmitted through efficient KM. Starting from the above-mentioned position, for the purposes of this study, 7 client activities in SM were defined within the scope of the SM category of Visibility. 2d2- Information on sharing knowledge and the experience of clients with others. In addition, it is possible that, by attaching greater importance to storing knowledge, companies tend to reduce the organizational costs of retrieving, creating and sharing knowledge. 0000007746 00000 n WebUsers of the world, unite! 0000003532 00000 n 0000016706 00000 n 0000006114 00000 n 0000076833 00000 n Overcoming lack of customer participation in KIBS, Measuring IT service quality: evaluation of IT service quality measurement framework in industry, A conceptual framework for measuring e-service quality, In Creating and Delivering Value in Marketing, Lepmets M, Cater-Steel A, Gacenga F, Ras E, Extending the IT service quality measurement framework through a systematic literature review, Lepmets M, Mesquida AL, Cater-Steel A, Mas A, Ras E, The evaluation of the IT service quality measurement framework in industry, Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management, The resource-based view and information systems research: review, extension, and suggestions for future research, Better knowledge with Social Media? Many authors
This study provides insight into the individual and interactive impacts of specific SM elements, that is, SM activities, in terms of building KM in companies that provide knowledge intensive business services (specifically companies offering IT services), as well as findings on the impact of KM functions on the assessment of the quality of services.It also provides insight into the direct impact of SM elements and activities on assessing service quality, as well as on the intermediary role played by KM in relation to SM elements or activities and the quality of services. In particular, KM appears as an intermediary in terms of archived client information on SM (persistence), as well as information about clients' cooperation and the exchange of information that are available on SM with others (association). Copyright 2017 Knowledge and the need for KM is especially important for companies offering Knowledge-Intensive Business Services (KIBS), all the more so given the fact that they, inter alia, act as creators, carriers and distributorsof knowledge [9] and are, as such, responsible for both their own business operations and those of the companies they provide services to. From the rules for nodes 5 and 7 covering the largest number of cases (about 70%), it follows that the low-rated Visibility and Association elements is associated with the low importance of social networks for KM. 0000003837 00000 n
The need is Expand 2 Review of empirical research on knowledge management practices and firm performance. &? In terms of the methodology, the majority of the previous empirical studies [86, 54, 87] used a standard two-stage approach to analyze the survey data.
The SEM presented the potential dependencies between the variables, which are predefined by the hypotheses. Careers, Unable to load your collection due to an error. Decision makers, as well as consultants, try to identify ways in which firms can make profitable use of applications such as Wikipedia, YouTube, Facebook, Second Life, and Twitter. The information about client business intention (a5), has the highest importance for KM (45% of the importance of all activities), but has no direct relevance to the quality of IT services. 0000010547 00000 n
In the absence of objective measures, the analysis was based on data reflecting the perceptions of the respondents. If used efficiently, it can contribute to creating new knowledge and improving the companys business operations [82], or else, it can be in significant and positive correlation with the companys performance [83]. Web2. From this, it can be concluded that KM elements are not fully or efficiently used by the analyzed companies. DiMicco et al. In Proceedings of the 2007 international ACM conference on Supporting group work 2007; 117126 doi: 10.1145/1316624.1316642, Social Media, knowledge sharing, and innovation: Toward a theory of communication visibility, Prez-Gonzlez D, Trigueros-Preciado S, Popa S, Social media technologies use for the competitive information and knowledge sharing, and its effects on industrial SMEs innovation, Virtual team effectiveness: The role of knowledge sharing and trust, Korzynski P, Paniagua J, Rodriguez-Montemayor E, Employee creativity in a digital era: The mediating role of social media, Knowledge management and innovation performance in a high-tech SMEs industry, Strategic human resource practices and innovation performanceThe mediating role of knowledge management capacity, The effect of knowledge management capability and dynamic capability on organizational performance, Journal of Enterprise Information Management, Absorptive capacity: A review, reconceptualization, and extension, The key to organizational performance improvement: a perspective of organizational knowledge creation, Knowledge management and organizational performance in the Egyptian software firms, International Journal of Knowledge Management, The impact of knowledge sharing, organizational capability and partnership quality on IS outsourcing success, Social media use and impact during the holiday travel planning process, Knowledge absorptive capacity and innovation performance in high-tech companies: A multi-mediating analysis, Knowledge management and innovation capacity, Tapscott D, Williams AD Wikinomics: How mass collaboration changes everything. For the purposes of this research, an analysis was conducted for 71 companies that provide IT services and operate within Europe.
However, some authors disagree on the attributes to be used to measure the quality of IT services [51]. Show more. Korzynski et al.
In PACIS. 15.5% of total cases. The rule in Node 4 indicates that companies that recognize the importance of storing and sharing knowledge about clients gathered from SM have effective KM that affects the quality of their service to clients. Stewart and Waddell [43] proved a direct dependence between knowledge sharing and the quality management of services provided to users, while Lee [84] identified knowledge sharing as a key factor in bringing success in the domain of IT outsourcing. Similarly, combining a qualitative case study and a netnography for the Starbucks coffee chain, Chua and Banerjee [55], conclude that SM contributes to building KM, and through that, to more effective branding through both knowledge creation and a higher degree of innovation through knowledge sharing. This result may be due to the fact that these companies create a large amount of knowledge, but use it either inefficiently (without the formalization of the KM process) or incompletely when developing or evaluating a service. According to the available literature, usage of SM appears to be a welcome solution because of its openness, availability, andsomething that is most important from the perspective of KIBSthe fact that they are designed in such a way as to allow for and even encourage customer participation [12, 13]. 0000005263 00000 n
WebSocial Media, the Digital Revolution, and the Business of Media ANDREAS M. KAPLAN ESCP Europe Business School, France Social media, dened as a group of Internet-based applications that build on the ideological and technological foundations of Web 2.0 and that allow the creation and exchange of user-generated content (Kaplan & Haenlein, WebTerjemahan kata HAENLEIN dari bahasa indonesia ke bahasa inggris dan contoh penggunaan "HAENLEIN" dalam kalimat dengan terjemahannya: Menurut Kaplan dan Haenlein ada enam jenis media sosial: Efficient Capital Markets: A Review of Theory and Empirical Work Author(s): Eugene F. Fama Source: The Journal of Finance, Vol. Kaplan and Haenlein identified six types of social media which the authors listed to include collaborative projects, blogs, content communities, social networking sites, virtual game worlds, and virtual social worlds and explained that firms can use these applications for their benefit.The authors also provided a set of 10 tips that organisations Storing and collecting knowledge about clients, regardless of the lack of exchange of information with clients via SM, companies associate with a high impact of KM on the quality of service (Node 6). The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the Recognizing the importance of these SM options for KM processes, Von Kroght [64] suggests using social software which would additionally provide controlled, systematic, targeted searches and access to data to those who need them. 0000052741 00000 n
HTn0+UD4&q7Hk==2e[vHJvQ(t7o8n1/UZqBAgzti|=Z7#f]q4:'L{$OPXmnh~}yJa([xl\$Nst\[_;c*q_T3RhR8o*Xrq^h:LSeF^|0r{C,!UboU:#Ud'su Together with the SM element of association, this factor can enable greater adjustability in terms of customer service requirements in the analyzed companies and reduce the risk of making the same mistakes that users have observed in services they previously used. This paper aims to synthesize research and findings on the content of MOOCs utilization in the educational process and to contribute to a better scientific understanding of MOocs and other edtech tools such as Kahoot, Google Documents, TitanPad and Etherpad, as they can be used in real conditions to improve educational technology. In addition, this finding may mean that other channels are more widely used by the analyzed companies in terms of gathering information that can be used to directly assess the quality of the IT service offered. 0000009068 00000 n
In addition, thanks to SM, employees can augment their knowledge of trends in the domain of their business or share that same knowledge with other members of their communitythe knowledge of who knows what and who knows whom [60, 74].
The survey data was analyzed using the classification Decision Tree (DT) method, in contrast to previous studies that mainly relied on regression analysis [22, 23]. S. Kot, M. Tan, L. Dragolea. 0000064007 00000 n
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Model 6 shows that, with the influence of KM elements, the importance of Persistence in relation to the quality of IT services decreased from 71% to 17%, while the significance of Association dropped from 29% to 19%, which means that KM is a significant intermediary between these SM elements and service quality in the IT companies under consideration (as confirmed by the hypotheses H7 and H9).
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In the IT services sector, using the example of Greek tourism companies, Sigala and Chalkiti [6] prove that KM plays an important role as an intermediary between SM activities and the creativity of their employees. 2, Papers and Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth Annual Meeting, By clicking accept or continuing to use the site, you agree to the terms outlined in our. While social media are now changing the way people obtain and The best attribute and its best division are selected. Social media are defined as a group of Internet-based applications that build on the ideological and technological foundations of Web 2.0, and that allow the creation and exchange of user-generated content (Kaplan and Haenlein 2010, p. 61). It is precisely this disagreement with earlier studies, which all demonstrate a great importance of this SM element, why a unanimous answer cannot be provided to the question of what might be the cause of such findings. But, contrary to this belief, the creation and exchange of user-generated content existed long before. 0000016728 00000 n
8600 Rockville Pike
Peregrine Technical Solutions LLC (Peregrine) is a small disadvantaged business, 8(a), Alaska Native Corporation (ANC), operating with a primary NAICS code of 541513, under the three-year size standard under $27.5M. Model 1 shows that all 4 SM elements add to the importance of SM to KM (as confirmed by the hypotheses H1-H4), with Visibility accounting for 45% of this contribution, Editability for 31%, Association for 18% and Persistence for only 6%. In their latest article, Professor Andreas Kaplan and Professor Michael Haenlein define Artificial Intelligence and show how it relates to concepts such as the Internet-of-Things or Big Data. 0000076549 00000 n For this reason, it is possible to examine the intermediary role of KM (as a type of organizational capacity based on processes), which exerts influence on the business performance of a company. Model 4 examines which SM offers exert a direct importance toIT service quality (hypotheses H6a-H9a). Author links open overlay panel Andreas M. Kaplan, Michael Haenlein. Model 7 evaluates the importance of individual SM activities to IT service quality, in interaction with KM elements (hypotheses H6b.1-H6b.7, H7b.1-H7b.7, H8b.1, H9b.1-H9b.5). [76] have shown, thanks to social media connections, participants demonstrate a willingness to work as a team and make efforts to contribute to a positive outcome of the collective task, rather than through traditional business collaboration. The author(s) received no specific funding for this work. However, when it comes to clients needs for information on the technologies and services they use (d5), targeted, edited information about clients (c1), as well as information about the exchange of knowledge and the experience of clients with others (d2), which were recognized as important activities related to the quality of IT services in the companies under consideration, KM does not appear as an intermediary. 2.2. Add to Mendeley there seems to be very limited understanding of what the term These and similar problems have motivated a number of authors to conduct research on knowledge management.
In Proceedings of the 2008 ACM conference on Computer supported cooperative work, 2008; 711720 doi: 10.1145/1460563.1460674, Corporate self-presentation on the WWW: Strategies for enhancing usability, credibility and utility, Corporate Communications: An International Journal, How does social software change knowledge management?
startxref Unlike previous studies that have mainly dealt with the identification of SM elements and activities, this study, to the best knowledge of the authors, is the first to reveal the relationships between them and the process of establishing effective KM, as well as between KM functions and service quality assessment. WebAccording to Kaplan and Haenlein's classification of social networks, LinkedIn is higher in _____ than in ____. QA~S|>S-(E`/4int6m^YUOZkCSP57C'mXq>'rQ5&%;%\eP)}.
BP.PHeDDuj%%:S&2&4I\6lBT4~Tt 57%k5ZBn!4 Abstract Social media are a group of mobile and web applications which enable the creation and exchange of user-generated content. In the following entry, the term social media is defined and diffe Social Media - Kaplan - Major Reference Works - Wiley Online Library Skip to Article Content Skip to Article Information The rationale behind this finding can also be found in the fact that the testing and assessment of the quality of IT services can be performed by a person who did not participate in the collection and creation of new knowledge.