They also wondered if this could have long-term "trust issues." With his prong collar, I barely even have to hold the leash. You need to measure her neck. Prong Collar I have never had him so much as attempt to lunge on the prong collar. I took my unmanageable dog to a basic obedience class and the teacher told me to get one. I love this link you provided. If you decide you want to try a prong collar with your dog, make sure your purchase the Herm Sprenger brand (this is the exact one I have). Results were immediate and wonderful with no signs of distress, only a few sounds of surprise. We rescued a 14 month old, 80 pound, muscular, untrained male doberman and walks with him were impossible. What a great testament to what a life changing training tool the prong collar can be. For instance, our sweet River does so well with other dogs and people at the dog park, but once shes on the leash shes much more reactive. And ask yourself, is it better for your dog to drag you through your walk, choking himself on his flat collar or to have a peaceful walk with your dog walking next to you, enjoying the smells and scenery? Your email address will not be published. I have a 2 year old, big strong 50kg male rottweiler who my ex was supposed to have trained, but only really had him off the lead, Sam doesnt listen to a word I say when were out walking and literally drags me, causing me injury. A quick, gentle tug is all thats needed. Thats not how the tool works and thats not the humane way to go about it. There was never so much as an indent in his skin and I was able to easily control him for the first time. Its good to note that a dogs neck is 3x more sensitive than a human neck, so we really do not need to use much pressure. I dont see dog trainer in your credentials, but do see a link to a product which suggests you make money off of your recommendation. Prong collars are legal to use in the UK, but they are not typically recommended by behaviorists or trainers. I raised him w/ a no-pull harness, and he quickly out grew that behavior. Can Humans Detect Text by AI Chatbot GPT? At first, yes once you take the collar off, he will pull. Physical Damage Choke and Prong Collars: Health Concerns Call for Equipment Change in Dog Training I am emigrating to Germany next year and i do not want to be taking a dog with me that is going to drag me through the streets, barking and being hyper and scaring everyone by giving the impression hes aggressive which he definitely is not.. You have that. Used well, it gives dogs access to their world and can be a critically important freedom enhancer. Worked fine for a month then he saw a dog and jerked And the collar broke and went flying and he attacked the dog. My first dog was a female shepherd-mix rescue and I used a prong collar on her to amazing effect. I used a pinch collar on Chester and he and I were happy walkers for 10+ years. Hi, I don't want to hijack Debi's post but would like to comment. Is that this information gets shared, lots. Also we may all live to see tomorrow. I had held out at first because I was skeptical, but as I said, once I started using the prong collar it was like night and day! I used positive reinforcement in training him to walk since he was 3 months old. 4. But I will never be completely relaxed walking her if shes going to lunge and bark at every person, bike, dog we see on our walks. Prong Collar And it absolutely does!!! In one session she was working roundabout his dog with no issues. . We only introduced it after 31/2 mths at which point Ive learnt to read my dog and I have the knowledge how to manage him and descalate his triggers etc. I have a 48 lb Whoodle who would wear the gentle harness on our walks in our old location (CT) where wed go 3-4 miles on a weekend and was great exercise for both of us. I am worried about how my dog owning friends will react to me getting one of these collars, but having seen how easy and gentle yet effective it can be I have decided that I would be silly not to get one, both for her safety and mine, in certain situations. WebPerhaps it was the way the cave people restrained their wild dogs from running away. I have one dog that doesnt need it anymore, the other (our lab) is a constant puller without it. The United States is yet to follow. Thanks for sharing this. I can only hope that the prong collar helps as I am having a hard time controlling him when people and animals walk within eyesight. You lost me at suggesting a prong collar for a reactive dog! (See "Is Your Dogs Collar Dangerous?") Her constant coughing and choking has completely gone away. How do you know what size collar to purchase ? However he is 120 lbs and I am 62 and 140 lbs. We have a 4yo female rescue GSD. prong collars P.S. Shadow received an award at the end of the class for Most Improved. If youre going to miss something, would you rather that your dog misunderstood a reward, or a punishment? But yesterday I had to take my dog, an 8 year old 84lb rottweiler, to the vet. I have volunteered at numerous rescues that would allow for use of harnesses and Martingale or choke style collars but not prongs. Slowly, youll transfer all the leash to the harness or collar, and leave the prong collar on, but unattached (still for short periods please, and under constant supervision!) A prong collar must be placed around a dog's neck in a specific manner to be safe and helpful for training purposes. I have a question about prong collar fit- do the prongs need to go all the way around the neck circumference? But that is true for a flat collar, letting the dog choke itself by pulling so hard the owner cant control him. The prong is not meant to yank, pull or choke a dog. Thank you, the bandana is a good idea. Why was CodeMiko banned? In full transparency, we do use the prong collar for our dogs. I was stunned how quickly her behavior improved once I started using the prong collar! ), All you have to do to unlock that? 4 months old is border line too young in my opinion. He gets to decide to eliminate that discomfort by not pulling. The Prong Collar, the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, Top 5 Reasons to Take Your Dog for a Walk. Hosts Dr. Ernie Ward and Beckie Mossor, RVT discuss the increase in global rules and regulations aiming to improve animal welfare. I have won over a few of my clients here in Monaco & France re. Once i got knocked over and broke my pinkie and my cheekbone. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Herm Sprenger HS Ultra Chrome Metal Prong Dog Training Collar 162.25mm New Nice at the best online prices at eBay! I trained my German Shepard/Siberian Husky mix using a pinch collar, got tips on training from a gal who trained duck hunting dogs, she taught me hand signals and all. "), There are few quick fixes with dog training. But theyre not.. At first, she thought it was OK, but she had a bad feeling about it. Some foster dogs come to us without any leash skills and in order for me to be able to walk them with my dogs, I need to quickly teach them how to walk on the leash without pulling, and a prong collar is a great tool for this. Then we started a balanced training class, and they showed us how to use the prong collar. All of the images in this post contain dogs who are wearing prong collars incorrectly. When you adopt a dog that pulls so hard you can not walk him, then come talk to me do you want to go through a 6-12-18 month (or more) positive-only training program so this dog can finally take a walk in a public space? I had an amazingly trained companion who was really an off the leash dog (always carried a leash), used mostly hand signal commands. Ive never tried a prong collar on anything but a 6 leash. and has a loving heart. This is a really simple. What theyre made to do, and what theyre not made to do.. Harriet, you need to calm down. And How To Ethically Find One, Ray Allen Multi-Function Harness An Honest Review, Ray Allen Nomad I.H.S Harness An Honest Review, Should I Cuddle My Dog? I spend more than 40 hours a week writing, researching and helping dog owners, I can not do it for free and still feed my family. Doing so exposes your dog to an inordinate amount of danger, damage and risks that just are not worth talking about. In fact, there is some evidence that the opposite is true.. Ran into the road? At the moment, different regions are working I did training and watched several videos regarding the use of the collar and in less than 2 week the lunging was OVER. We found out that her dog, while on a choke collar, started pulling when he saw another dog across the street, so much so that his paws came off the ground. It is so much better to be able to walk your dog without the worry of being pulled to the ground! We tried positive reinforcement but he is totally indifferent to treats. Thank you so much for sharing your story Carole! I saw a short article on a dog training Facebook page, about prong collars. Many years ago, I had our dog and a foster dog go after another dog when it was icy out and I went flying down on my butt. It hasnt had any negative impact on his love or desire to go on walks. Just started using one and he is very easy to walk with one hand. What appealed to me the most in your blog is when you talked about how safe prong collar dogs are because they cant damage your dogs trachea given that they are going to be properly used. Funny how that works. There are other ways to train a puppy to walk nicely on a leash. A Twitch star was temporarily banned from the live-streaming platform after zapping herself with a shock collar as part of a bizarre stunt. Theyre primed for that. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Herm Sprenger HS Ultra Chrome Metal Prong Dog Training Collar 162.25mm New Nice at the best online prices at eBay! We just started with a trainer for our 16wk Lab/Shepherd puppy that uses the Herm S prong collar. Good to read something siilar to mine! The studies seem to show that choke collars are dangerous but not prong collars. Thanks Karen for sharing your story. The prong collar controversy is real! You may get evil looks from other dog owners that just dont understand the power of the prong collar. I have tried several different collars and leads to stop him from pulling. PostedApril 25, 2019 I urge you to not shy away from the prong collar just because of what it looks like or what youve heard about it in the past. Thank you Patty for sharing your story! Not all prong collars are created equal, the cheap versions can have sharp points and break. Hes actually spit them out when he hes determined to get to something else. By using the prong collar, he is now interacting with me in positive and affectionate ways, instead of the aggressive and painful ways that came natural to him. The puppy resumed her buoyant behavior, this time heading toward Mary and her dog, Buster. I think our dog is fearful that our son is causing him to get negative corrections. Every time, with only a few sessions, the dogs became calm, happy and responsive. Hes not a bad dog and doesnt have any serious issues just your normal puppy stuff. Will the collar help all that? One just pulls excessively while the other is actually more reactive on the leash. She fitted the prong collar and leashed him and literally within MINUTES he was no longer lunging or pulling even though there were loud cars, people, and other dogs coming and going around us. She nearly pulled my partner off her feet in the first week. The dog grew quickly to an incredibly strong dog that could easily jump the fence in the backyard. My trainer switched her to a prong collar with flat round ends. A Twitch star was temporarily banned from the live-streaming platform after zapping herself with a shock collar as part of a bizarre stunt. He was on the road to becoming an uncontrollable pet who would be doomed to being kept outside when the grandkids come to visit, or visitors come into the home. Teaching pressure & release is fast, easy, and helps build the dogs confidence. prong His triggers are squirrels, any wonderful smells, etc. I didnt outweigh him by much. You can do it with patience and guidance.. And be consistent. rated as 2021 & 2022 worlds best pet blog! We are about to re home our two wire haired dachshunds due to out of control pulling. Wow Deanna, what a great transformation story. He eventually started showing extreme aggression towards dogs including my other two rescues. | rebarkable.comPrivacy Policy|Terms and Conditions, This post may contain affiliate links, which means we may receive a commission, at no extra cost to you, if you make a purchase through a link. For my willful, hard-headed, inattentive Doberman yearling, thats definitely a prong collar for training sessions now. Diana, I love your story, thank you so much for sharing! Jennifer Cattet, "Choke collars, prong collars or flat collars are harmful training tools. I have only used the style that the prongs go all the way around the neck, so I cant speak of the effectiveness of the ones that dont. No more shoulder injuries for me. I despise using harnesses because I find they ALWAYS encourage pulling. She actually does really well but is strong with high prey drive. I guess Im an animal abuser from what I read, but I would put the care and loving I provide to my dog above 99.9% of what most humans receive. "As long as we are looking for shortcuts to proper training, both the dog and the guardian will likely suffer long term consequences from a poor choice of training tools, a poor use of these tools and the negative side effects from their aversive properties." Is It Time to Ban Shock Collars for Dogs In All Situations? I admit I was not paying full attention to him was conversing with a neighbor. page. And, while it's very clear that e-collars and prong collars are used because they cause psychological stress and pain, many people don't realize that choke collars also can cause a good deal of pain, suffering, and injury to dogs who wear them. He is clearly lacking in socialization and his behavior and demeanor are indicative of prior abuse. Sincerely Brian Kelly. We pull out the prong collar and he come and sits patiently for us to put it on..hes excited knowing hes going for a walk. Unfortunately, I think the rescue society I got her from downplayed the leash issues. Though they are legal in the U.S. I wanted to get one for him when we first started having problems with him but my dad seemed so against it so I decided on not getting one. He came to the pound as a stray but you can tell he has had some training..he can sit, shake, etc. Thank you, I dont have one, but found this in a Google search: Source: Furthermore, it is downright dangerous to leave either choke chain or prong collar on dogs if not working. Needless to say Shadow and I were able to participate in class and he wasnt the class clown he was in the first class. I see you have recommended a few times to use a carabiner and I dont know what you mean. I was overjoyed when I was handed the leash and he did so for me as well!! Now that I understand what I was doing wrong, I have all the confidence in the world that Ill be able to correct the problem with my mini Aussie and cant wait to give it a try this afternoon. Thank you so much for sharing your story! . With this volume of no-nos its so freaking easy to get wrong that can cause damage to your dog physically, mentally, or just to the bond between you and your dog. Do not be afraid to try a prong collar. I have needed to figure out how to contain this pup that will weigh as much as me at a full grown 130lbs. The prong collar allows us to share our life with our dog and not just have a dog at home waiting for us to get back from our adventures. New Zealand, Austria, Australia, Switzerland, the Canadian Province of Quebec, and many others have made prong collars (and in many cases choke and shock collars) illegal. Is It Time to Ban Shock Collars for Dogs In All Situations? It made a difference! Do you think these changes are happening quickly enough in the US? Id love to hear about your success stories on using the prong collar. This has been our experience with all three of our rescued dogs as well. It is like tapping the dog on the shoulder to get his attention. It means that youre not in control. Psychology Today, January 25, 2018. It seems like the use of collars is a readily accepted part of dog guardianship. This post is from the perspective of a dog owner (me) that has experience with all types of training techniques, and yes that includes reactive dogs, shy dogs, scared dogs, and happy go lucky dogs. Kilian you are very welcome. If you use the prong collar correctly and correct your dog BEFORE he takes off for the rabbit, then yes. Many trainers suggest using a carabiner to connect the prong to the collar. Make sure to check back in, cant wait to hear your success story. I recommend the 3.0 mm size for most medium to large dogs. I am with a training group right now, not training with them at present. I knew that if we kept at it, eventually the dogs would figure it out and be better behaved, but the fear of losing our pups made me feel we didnt have the time to be patient. Actually he has never gagged, choked or shown any discomfort to prong where Ive had dogs gag if they pulled hard with flat collar. I have a 150lbs St Bernard mix, I cant walk her she is stronger then me. It was a lifesaver for me and he was a true angel to walk with it. Unfortunately, people really just dont understand these collars and that they can actually help prevent damage or injury, and help owners bond and communicate better with their dogs. If you just allow him to pull on the collar and go after the rabbit, it may startle him and if he is sensitive dog, it may correct the behavior. Karen. Carol, good professional dog trainers ALWAYS recommend a back up collar for a prong collar. I am also convinced, after having tried every other gentle alternative, that these are a) not effective and b) not kind, because walks with my dog are miserable for us both. Why do so many people choose to use various devices that make direct contact with a dog's neck and are known to inflict stress, discomfort, and pain, and potentially have long-term negative effects on dogs? Im not sure you have the experience to recommend this nor have the dogs best interest in mind. On walks, sometimes he pulls on leash, other times does not. Would a prong collar work on a 20-30 lead on a trail? Unfortunately, Kodi is one of those dogs that take you for a walk and not the other way around.. so i am wanting to try a prong collar, he gets so over stimulated when we go for a walk its almost unbearable.. pulling, barking, hyper over the top behaviour. Thank you for sharing your story Lindsay! Victoria, you and your pup are a perfect example on how the prong collar is such a life-saver! No matter what treats or happiness we used, she always found a way to push ahead and not pay attention to us at all. It has been 4 years since I had my last beloved dog. I have used the prong collar with my Lab. If youre going to use a The prong collar, otherwise known as a pinch collar, has changed so many dog owners lives just scroll down and read some of the comments from people that have tried the prong collar and are brave enough to share their experience with you. Prong Collar Numerous people who choose to share their lives with a dog also choose to use various types of collars, including electric shock collars (e-collars), choke collars, or prong collars that are connected to different sorts of leashes, both of which give people varying degrees of control over their canine companions. I have a 36-pound mini Australian shepherd who is an epic puller and leash reactive to a ridiculous and, I must say, embarrassing degree. Anyone else has used it on large dogs? However, she told me that she uses a prong collar with her two German shepherds for the same reason and offered to demonstrate on my dog while we were there. A prong collar worked wonders on my hooligan, made her walk like a lady. What We Can Learn From European Dog Culture - The New York I was terrified to hurt him during the first 2 sessions, but my son was not and he was getting the dog to listen! It is like an airbag, you hope it never has to deploy, but when you need, it better be there! The pair review the recent Norwegian breeding bans on English Bulldogs and Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, Marylands newly-passed prohibition on feline declaw surgery, and other recent legal changes in animal law. Prong Collar The one thing I dont do is avoid walking her altogether. Free shipping for many products! All dogs will show signals that he is about to lung or go after prey, such as excitement, whining, eye contact, etc. I have had 0 success teaching dogs to walk correctly using a harness. Whilst I know that the potential for misuse is not a reason to call something bad, its mainly a method of training that I see no reason for.. WebProng collars should only be used under the guidance of a professional trainer. Also, the result of positive training isnt dependent on the presence of the device which is definitely a good thing., The other reason I would advise against prong collar usage is because of the time in which you have to apply the correction., You have 2 seconds to capture a behaviour, right or wrong, reward or correction., With positive reinforcement, you can use a marker word, and reward to give you a little longer for the treat/play reward. Lately, I am getting hounded on social media about responding to a post saying it was a great tool for training. Kennel Club This forces the dog into a state of learned helplessness. Or will we always have to use the prong collar? collar Because I adopted a 90 pound dog that, once he settled in, became seriously dog reactive in a city full of dogs that walk their owners and have no manners. When my German Shepherd was very young she had a lot of behavior issues and I was worried she would grow up to become an aggressive dog. I still am learning, but it was a good long walk today, which is the whole reason I got a rescue dog.a walk partner, not a 'pull into the road' or 'drag into the ditch & through the woods' partner. Without leashes, dogs wouldnt be able to go many places with us. 1 Beaverdam Rd, NC 28804 US (828) 253-3393 Alternatives to Choke Chains, Prong Collars, and Other Aversive Methods Aversive methods such as choke chains, pinch collars, and shock collars can not only lead to painful injuries, they are less effective than more positive training methods. No amount of chicken, ham or hotdogs were getting our dogs attention when she reacted. The OSPet offers a prong collar that is ideal for medium and large dogs with the maximum length of the collar at 24 inches and a diameter of 0.14 inches or 3.5 mm. I spent a year night after night, hours in all weathers, trying thresholds etc to help our dog and while we saw improvement she was still had some reactivity issues. Good luck! Suggestions? I do believe the prong collar has saved many dogs lives. If fitting is not the problem, then next review the way you are correcting his pulling, do not pull or nag on the collar, it should always be a quick tug or snap of the collar. Youll never know whose life youve saved. What Countries Have Banned Shock Collars? - The Dog Central No one ever claimed it so it became our shop dog and because I opened and closed the shop regularly I was the one in charge of walking him. But its illegal for individuals to import them. I just want him to be the perfectly trained dog I know hes capable of becoming. I never wanted to try a prong collar because of the negative connotations, especially with a pit bull that people are already afraid of. After 5 years we still must put it on him when in public even though we still do training in private with him frequently to get him to behave on a regular collar. I recently entered the world of dog ownership by adopting a rescue. Ive compensated by going out during less busy times and the latest which has been driving to off leash dog parks as she is sooooo much off leash. prong collars When it comes to young dogs and puppies, one of the most lethal and scary things in the dog world is Parvovirus, or Parvo. I love hearing all the success stories. My dgt promised to do all the walking and caring for the dog. If they are, the whole world may have collectively hopped in banning And I also know that the prong collar is designed to be the most humane way to train and to NOT harm our dogs. But I just wonder if I will ever experience joy in our walks. The reason why I am so weary of collars is that when dogs pull they can cause a lot of damage. Picking up a prong collar tomorrow. Controversial dog collars to be BANNED in Queensland as they 'use pain as punishment',, Tagged: #veterinary, #veterinarian, #dvm, #vmd, #veterinarymedicine, #vetmed, #veterinaria, #vettech, #veterinarytechnician, #vetlife, #vettechlife, #vetstudentlife, #vettechproblems, #vettechstudent, #vetschool, #cvt, #lvt, #rvt, #cvpm, #podcast, #veterinarypodcast, #vettechpodcast, #pets, #petparents, #dogs, #cats, #animalpodcast, #petpodcast, #vetstudent, #practicemanagement, Prong Collars Banned in Queensland Australia, Gossip in Veterinary Practice: The Good, Bad, and What to Do About It, Chernobyl Dogs Update with Dr. Jennifer Betz. Have a read of how to train your dog to walk loose leash. I bet Sam is looking forward to enjoying his walks with you just as much as you are! A good behavior trainer is best in situations like this. With the use of a prong collar, you immediately become your dogs source of punishment. It's pretty effortless. You are truly saving lives. I just ordered a Sprenger 2.25 mm 12 inch prong collar and will let you know how it works out in trainingit should arrive in 2 days. I actually have a ton of experience with the prong collar with my own dogs and other foster dogs I have trained. Hopefully that has changed. We recently moved to a suburb of Boston where walks are now exercise but also to do her business. I have physical disabilities and any pulling from my 62 pound Labradoodle will hurt me. The prong collar training gets a lot of attention from pure positive or force free dog trainers. I will make a couple of notes: 1, It was a bit of a trick to fit the thing at first, especially since she has long fur. So glad it is working for your and your big pup! But for a stubborn dog, he may decide the pressure of the prong pulling on his next isnt enough to not go after the rabbit. But are prong collars cruel? The prong collar sounds just what we need.
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