It's important to tailor your professional bio to your goals and the people you want to reach for it to be effective. Instead of saying "I love to write." (2) $1.25. A professional bio often reflects a specific industry or niche. Will your professional bio represent yourself, or a business you work for? Now, as a principal at Howe Elementary School in Wisconsin Rapids, Matt enjoys the curriculum, instruction and assessment side of education. Mark Levy is a small business owner who's taken a more traditional approach to the professional bio on his website but in a way that takes care to speak to his intended audience. Marie Mikhail checks off nearly every box for what makes an excellent bio. Current job title. Showing instead of telling is a great approach. Consider how you might also lead your Facebook visitors off your Facebook page and onto your personal website to learn more about who you are. Your professional bio is an important piece of writing, so it's natural for you to edit it carefully. This shows them that you crafted your bio with your personal experience and opinions. She obtained a Master's Degree from National Louis in Curriculum and Instruction. Personally, I have been married for 22 glorious years and have three fantastic children who are 21,18, and 15 years old and attend Parkway Schools and Mizzou. Jorges work is rooted in the belief that a great education is foundational to life success. Committed to sharing her passion for literacy and learning, she also teaches courses in Literacy to prospective educators at Cardinal Stritch University. Resumes are generally used to apply for a job. Although a picture is worth 1,000 words, a portfolio is quite different from a professional bio. Throughout her bio, youll notice the number of murals shes completed and a brief timeline of her career thus far which helps paint the picture of who she is as a professional. When writing a short bio it can be tempting to try and pack in as much relevant information about yourself as possible but this isnt the most effective approach. This is one of the most important pieces of understanding how to write a personal biography. Good news if you followed along in the previous section, then you've already arrived at this step. Tailor your teacher bio to meet the specific requirements of the application or publication in which it will appear. The "why" behind her work is emphasized in the first half of her bio before transitioning to the way she carries out that work in practice. A bio should summarize your most significant accomplishments, attributes, and credentials throughout your career progression. Particularly for a social media account that already restricts word count, consider how you might showcase your uniqueness in just a few words. Here are some essential elements in any professional bio: (Getty Images) Your name and professional title. Based on the Word Net lexical database for the English Language. What gets you up in the morning. Choose the appropriate name and professional title Writing a professional bio starts by choosing the right name and professional titles to use. Use their name and make your cover letter personal. We're committed to your privacy. Her list of credentials is lengthy, and if she wanted to, she could go on and on and on about her accomplishments. But what if you've recently published a book or are applying for a grant? Here's how to write a professional bio, step by step. He graduated with honors from Columbia University with a dual degree in Business Administration and Creative Writing.". For instance, while she highlights her Girl boss attitude with a tiara emoji, she equally calls attention to her fashion interests (Free People), her pets Boss and Sadie, and her love for ramen noodles. Your short bio can be a proud showcase of your accomplishments, so add 1 to 2 personal successes youve achieved through your skills or mission. For example, if I were writing my own bio, I might start it like this: Lindsay Kolowich is a Senior Marketing Manager at HubSpot. You may start with a greeting like, "Hello, my name is" or "Hi! Your personality may be best portrayed through: A joke: "Some mistakes are too much fun to only make once. Make sure the brand you want to be associated with is mentioned in your bio. Your passions and values. He also mentions what motivates him in his teaching, which tells employers that he is dedicated and driven. So, ensure that this is the information that you include first. S arah Norton, Lead Teacher, Preschoolers. A professional recruiter, she expresses her "passion for recruiting" upfront, in the first sentence, while using that sentence to hook her profile visitors into a brief story of her background. Ashley has served the district for two years in this capacity, adding on the duty of Educator Effectiveness Coach in 2014. Before submitting your biography, review it thoroughly. Follow the right resume formatting rules, and catch the principal's attention right away: Place your name and job title in the professional resume header. Here's how to write a job-winning ESL teacher cover letter: First, research the company or school you're applying to. Theresa received her educator license and a M.S. So before diving into your long professional bio, begin with a short bio as a teaser of who you are, what you care about, and what you can do for others. Take a lesson from Miss604, and show your personal side. For example, say you're writing a bio for LinkedIn. Theresais currently a School Support Teacher in a K-8 school (Jeremiah Curtin Leadership Academy) in the Milwaukee Public School District. This subtle timeline gives readers a picture of her experience in the field of political anthropology without listing her resume in detail. You aren't supposed to be writing an autobiography. A bio tells an audience who you are, and what you've done, and also hints at what you are capable of doing. Vickihas been an educator in the Oshkosh Area School District for 21 years. Here are a few to consider (some of these you might already have in place): As you'll see in the professional bio examples below, the length and tone of your bio will differ depending on which of the above platforms you choose to be on. Learn how to write your professional bio with more free tips, templates, and inspiring examples. Previous career background. See disclaimer. Many individuals impact a child's life, but the most powerful and influential role lies in a devoted teacher, a teacher provides growth to students as a gardener would to a . The rest of her bio follows suit, breaking up the text with an appropriate emoji and a perfect collection of nouns to tell me who she is as a person. By speaking in the first person here, you take a more personable approach to connecting with a client or brand. See pricing, Marketing automation software. Whether you're the author of a novel or a mid-level specialist, use the next few lines of your bio to describe what you do in that position. Whats great about Vans Twitter bio is his ability to link valuable offerings to his readers. It turns out that more than 50% hiring managers still read them. I look forward to working together with you as partners in your childs growth and development!! This will be my eighth year at Parkway Early Childhood after four years at Kirkwood Early Childhood Center in Early Childhood Special Education. By leading with a strong hook that aligns with her target audiences marketing needs, shes able to keep readers engaged. The second is the "long version," which is actually even more interesting than the first one. Of course, the fantastic copywriting isn't a surprise, given that this guy wrote several books. Don't be afraid to keep it simple: "Lindsay Kolowich is the founder and CEO of Kolowich Consulting.". What have you done for yourself as well as for others that makes you a valuable player in your industry? This bio from Mark Levy is a great example. Amy currently teaches in a 4/5 multi-age classroom at Lakeshore Elementary in Fond du Lac. Professional bios can be found in everything from the pages of your website to your LinkedIn and other social media profiles. But before choosing your bio template, there are some key elements to include to make sure yours is effective. This New England-based DJ has single-handedly captured the Likes of more than 2,000 people in and beyond Boston, MA. Appropriate word count- Keep a check on the word count of the bio. In her 16 years as a Wisconsin educator, Megan Dixon has been privileged to work with students and teachers in a variety of K-8 settings. Leading with your name even if its in question form is important for recognition and to build relationships in your field or cross-functionally. Consider adding humor or a personal story to add flavor to your professional bio. Use the third person when writing. Teacher (K-5) Instructional Coach and Assistant Principal. People who visit your profile or receive your message will already know your social media account. ", A few emojis related to your interests: "". Corey Wainwright is a Principal Marketing Manager here at HubSpot. The most important thing that readers should remember after reading your bio is your name. For that reason, it's a good idea for your first and last name to be the first two words of your professional bio. But when people list out all their accomplishments in their bios, they risk sounding a little egotistical. Free and premium plans. . And, most importantly, it's the tool that you can leverage most when you're networking. You can take the help of this yearly retirement bio template that consists of several retirement biographies of the retirees. Retired teacher experienced in mentoring students to excel at academics. Consider how you might also highlight your interests, hobbies, or passions outside of the 9-to-5. Let's dive into a few examples of short professional bios next. A professional biography is a summary of who you are as a professional, based upon your education, experience, and unique skillset (what you do and how you do it). And in this context, that's totally appropriate. His father came to America with just $50 borrowed dollars and a desire to pursue the American Dream. . Especially, if you're sending a bio to a client or potential employer, make sure to highlight the skills that they will find valuable. After graduating I realized my true dream was to become an elementary school teacher. You might be thinking Why would she do that, since it discourages people from buying her book? The bio can be chronological, starting with earliest influences and reasons for becoming a teacher. Generally, your teacher bio, in which you introduce yourself and describe what you have to offer students, should not be too long (around 3 paragraphs) and should be formatted in a way that's easy to read (such as with subheadings for the different categories). Her "no fads" call-out shows followers she aims to be helpful rather than gimmicky. The necessary educational information is left for the end after the reader has been hooked. Let me first introduce myself " when sending your bio as a message.
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