These people tend to avoid interpersonal relationships to protect themselves against disappointment that occurs from placing too much trust in another person or making ones self vulnerable to rejection. It means expressing your opinions, emotions and needs clearly, honestly and respectfully without forgetting the needs of the ones you communicate with. For example, training publisher HRDQ publishes the Whats My Style? series (, and has applied the four-personalities to the following workplace issues: coaching, communication, leadership, learning, selling, teams, and time management. Interpersonal communication is the exchange of information between two or more people. In 1968, social psychologist Norman Anderson came up with a list of 555 personal attributes.5 He had research participants rate the 555 attributes from most desirable to least desirable. Conscientiousness is the degree to which an individual is aware of their actions and how their actions impact other people. In this section, we are going to explore the last two dispositions discussed by John Daly: communication and relational dispositions.68. The three main types of intrapersonal communication include self-awareness, perception, and expectations. Intrapersonal communication is communication with one's self. This happens all the more easily since the rebuff may have been so slight as to escape conscious awareness. Compassion then is about the sympathetic consciousness for someone who is suffering or unfortunate. The Big Five, mindfulness, and psychological wellbeing. You respect your new boss, and you want to gain her/his/their respect in return. James McCroskey and Virginia Richmond originally coined the WTC concept as an individuals predisposition to initiate communication with others.78 Willingness to communicate examines an individuals tendency to initiate communicative interactions with other people. Now imagine that these twins are naturally aggressive. For our purposes in this book, we define intrapersonal communication as something of a hybrid between these two definitions. It includes skills we use to (Vivyan, 2015): Attend to relationships. When John was two, he was adopted by Bobby and Priscilla Wright. As noted by Richmond et al., People with a high WTC attempt to communicate more often and work harder to make that communication effective than people with a low WTC, who make far fewer attempts and often arent as effective at communicating.79. Second, conversational narcissists exploit a conversation by attempting to focus the direction of the conversation on topics of interest to them. Actors experience an affective reaction to the imagined evaluation of the other. Like other forms of communication, intrapersonal communication is triggered by some internal or external stimulus. Intrapersonal refers to something that exists or occurs within an individual's self or mind. When someone has this type of incongruence, they are likely to exhibit other psychological problems. An individuals tendency to initiate communicative interactions with other people. Interpersonally, high self-monitors tend to have more meaningful and satisfying interpersonal interactions with others. What comes to mind? Self-kindness is simply extending the same level of care and understanding to ourselves as we would to others. We generally break abilities into two different categories: talent or skills to help distinguish what we are discussing. During their interactions with others, conversational narcissists show a lack of caring about another person and a lack of interest in another person. We generally get these emotional connections through our associations with loved ones and close friends. All of the following dispositions impact how people interact with others, but they do so from very different places. In 1513, Nicolo Machiavelli (Figure 3.9) wrote a text called The Prince ( In Rogers view, self-actualization cannot happen when an individuals self-image, self-worth, and ideal-self have no overlap. In a more recent study, conducted by Jesse Chandler using an expanded list of 1,042 attributes,6 the following pattern emerged for the top 10 most positively viewed attributes: And here is the updated list for the top 10 most negatively viewed attributes: Some of the changes in both lists represent changing times and the addition of the new terms by Chandler. So, how does one determine if something ultimately nature or nurture? First, conversational narcissists inflate their self-importance while displaying an inflated self-image. As time went by, he quickly found himself with more and more acquaintances and fewer and fewer closer relationships. The individual reacts negatively (e.g., with hostility) to the rejection. Global Science and Technology Forum (GSTF) Journal of Psychology, 4(1). After completing these measures, how can your communication traits help explain your interpersonal relationships with others? Instead, these individuals emotions and opinions of themselves are fueled by incongruent self-concepts. We also evaluate ourselves and our specific abilities and limitations. In 1974 Mark Snyder developed his basic theory of self-monitoring, which proposes that individuals differ in the degree to which they can control their behaviors following the appropriate social rules and norms involved in interpersonal interaction.67 In this theory, Snyder proposes that there are some individuals adept at selecting appropriate behavior in light of the context of a situation, which he deems high self-monitors. We evaluate a ton of different things daily: Our lives are filled with constant evaluations. The first person to start investigating this phenomenon was Sir Francis Galton back in the 1870s.28 In 1875, Galton sought out twins and their families to learn more about similarities and differences. refers to something that exists or occurs within an individual's self or mind. Argumentativeness refers to an individuals tendency to engage in the open exchange of ideas in the form of arguments; whereas, verbal aggressiveness is the tendency to attack an individuals self-concept instead of an individuals arguments. Just because someone has learned the skills to do something does not mean that they can accomplish the task. The story starts with a Mountain Nymph named Echo who falls in love with a human named Narcissus. The researchers found that highly argumentative individuals did not differ in the number of arguments they made when compared to their low argumentative counterparts. Highly empathic individuals have the unique ability to connect with others interpersonally, because they can truly see how the other person is viewing life. On the other hand, you may imagine the friends at the restaurant saying something to the effect of you deserve some time off!. Reading your favorite book on a Kindle? Communication trait that predisposes the individual in communication situations to advocate positions on controversial issues, and to attack verbally the positions which other people take on these issues. In romantic relationships, high self-monitors tend to develop relational intimacy much faster than individuals who are low self-monitors. Ultimately, Machiavellian behavior is very problematic. Imagine you are working in a new job. These negative judgments can start to wear someone down. Intrapersonal communication, or self-talk, is a form of communication between the self and the self. Where WTC examines initiation of interpersonal interactions, shyness discusses actual reserved interpersonal behavior, and CA is focused on the anxiety experienced (or perceived) in interpersonal interactions. Sometimes we call talent the it factor because its often hard to pinpoint why someone people have it and others dont. Intrapersonal communication is the communication done with oneself. Meaning and mind: An interpersonal approach to human communication. Intrapersonal Communication . They grow out of other peoples criticisms, from the negative responses to what we do and say, and the way we act.24 We have the choice to either let these thoughts consume us or fight them. Snyder called these people low self-monitors. For example, if someone perceives themself as a good worker, then a verbally aggressive attack would demean that persons quality of work or their ability to do future quality work. You no longer need to please other people. First, talent is usually more of an inherent or natural capacity. McCrae and Costa originally started examining just three parts of the model, openness, neuroticism, and extroversion,44 but the model was later expanded to include both conscientiousness and agreeableness (Figure 3.7).45 Before progressing forward, take a minute and complete one of the many different freely available tests of the Five Factor Model of Personality: Openness refers to openness to experience, or the idea that some people are more welcoming of new things. You have the power to respond to events and circumstances based on your internal sources, resources, and resourcefulness, which are the reflection of your true value. Some behaviors include talking so fast others cannot interject, shifting the topic to ones self, interrupting others, etc. Did you purposely choose to use self-talk, or did it just happen? Bowlby believed that these interpersonal models, which were developed in infancy through thousands of interactions with an attachment figure, would influence an individuals interpersonal relationships across their entire life span. Second, people highly sensitive to rejection are more adept at noting when they are being rejected; however, its not uncommon for these individuals to see rejection when it does not exist. This chapter focuses on understanding intrapersonal processes and how they relate to communication. It is the communication that you have with yourself. These individuals simply avoid interpersonal relationships to avoid being rejected by others. What language would you think in? Responsive communication behaviors are those that consider others feelings, listens to what others have to say, and recognizes the needs of others during interpersonal interactions. The theory that individuals differ in the degree to which they can control their behaviors in accordance with the appropriate social rules and norms involved in interpersonal interaction. When the need is not met, they feel rejected. Subjects: Oral Communication. All of these five categories are happening at what is called the intrapersonal-level. Although Bobby and Priscilla were amazing parents, John always felt somewhat disconnected. I dont know why I ever thought I could teach. These individuals have a constant fear that people will figure out that they are not who they say they are. Research in this area generally shows that these fears of being found out are not based on any kind of fact or evidence. The idea that people differ in terms of degree in how sensitive they are to rejection was first discussed in the 1930s by a German psychoanalyst named Karen Horney.99 Rejection sensitivity can be defined as the degree to which an individual expects to be rejected, readily perceives rejection when occurring, and experiences an intensely adverse reaction to that rejection. One problem that many people have when it comes to limitations is that they cannot differentiate between the types of limitations. Reading by candlelight? An individual with an external dating locus of control would believe that their dating life is a matter of luck or divine intervention. As such, extraverts tend to have more opportunities for interpersonal communication; its not surprising that they tend to have better communicative skills when compared to their more introverted counterparts. In 2019, Jason Wrench, Narissra, Punyanunt-Carter, and Adolfo Garcia examined the relationships between mindfulness and religious communication. Discuss the exercise with your classmates. Who are you? As the authors note, mindfulness can help people develop more confidence to communicate their ideas and opinions about religion. Females and males are seen proportionately in all four categories. This same pattern of behavior continued into adulthood, and John quickly found himself with a small circle of friends. In school, John rarely kept the same friends as he progressed through his education. As discussed in this chapter, your temperament is identifiable at birth, whereas, your personality is something that develops over your lifespan.