Hair are your aerials. Marwood: In fact, he'd probably tell you what he was going to do before he did it. Dont be ridiculous. Marwood: What is all this "tactical necessity" and "calculated risk?!" Marwood: We'll be back. Withnail: He went to the other place, Monty. Withnail: I'll not have this shag sack insulting me! You little thug! He doesn't have any friends. How right you are, how right you are. Hello? Street: the embalmer. A coward you are, Withnail, an expert on bulls you are not! DRIVE WITH EXTREME CARE"] [teary-eyed] Withnail And I GIFs - Find & Share on GIPHY His head must weigh fifty pounds on its own. And as Presuming Ed here has so consistently pointed out, we have failed to paint it black. Marwood: You know what we should do? This ain't fancy dress." Add spice to it. [ruefully] A self-sustained nicotine-yellow and fly-blown lung. Right can anybody explain the here hare here joke from withnail and I? It takes away your appetite just looking at it. [pointing an eel at him] *You'll all suffer*! Afrika Korps. It's true, I crept the boards in my youth. If you don't remember the sixties, don't worry neither did they. It's ridiculous. Danny: Of course you are! Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Yes, you are! Withnail: I didn't think he'd come all this way. Beside there's nothing invented I couldn't take. "I fuck arses." Go with it. Withnail: Do you mean you've been up here in all this beastly mud and oomska without Wellingtons? We are not drunks, we are multimillionaires! Withnail: The movie, which takes place in England in late 1969, involves the misadventures of a pair of chronically unemployed actors. Marwood: Oh, don't tell me you're not aware of it, I know what you're up to and so do you. This may be the reason bald-headed men are uptight. The best GIFs are on GIPHY. I want something's flesh! Get into the countryside. This doesn't go down at all well. A little before your time. Marwood stands there, petrified, the bull is scraping the ground with its front hoof, snorting, he throws the shopping the air and it scatters in the mud. This is ridiculous. This is me naked in a corner! withnail. Hair are your aerials. [the bull is scraping the ground with its front hoof, snorting]. Withnail: Look at my tongue. Danny: We're doing our best to make sure our content is useful, accurate and safe.If by any chance you spot an inappropriate comment while navigating through our website please use this form to let us know, and we'll take care of it shortly. Well neither have I. I don't consciously offend big men like this. Withnail: Hold on, don't let your imagination run away with you Marwood: Imagination! How noble in reason, how infinite in faculties! Suits me. Marwood: It's the only solution to this intense cold. You know what we should do? [voiceover] Ponce! It's wearing a yellow sock. He winces as he stretches his leg]. Who is the huge spade in the bath? And I'm sitting in this bloody shack and I can't cope with Withnail. Withnail: There is a hare tied to the door with a note attached. We worked out it would be very handy karma for him to get hold of a suit. Withnail: I brought two of these in case either of you is any good in the kitchen. I invented it in Camberwell, and it looks like a carrot. Do you realise this gaff's overrun with rodents? Withnail: Withnail: Marwood : No, no, you can't. It's impossible, I swear it. You're not in the same boat. Especially that pimp! [picking up an apron] Withnail and I Quotes - Poem of Quotes: Read, Write, Learn It's too hot so he drops it]. Look at this - accident blackspot? Withnail: Withnail: I'm not having this shag sack insulting me! Withnail: Scrubbers! report. I'm a friend of Montague Withnail's. Marwood: Then they must be delighted with your career. Headhunter to his friends. No, man, this was more like a long white hat. Isaac Parkin: [to Marwood] [wakes up in the back seat of the car, which is moving along the motorway] He is even taller than Withnail and much more burly. He's an expert. He can eat his fucking radish. And now I'm calling you one. Right, you fucker, I'm going to do the washing up. Very, very foolish words, man. Sinew in nicotine base. General: I've been watching you, especially you, prancing like a tit. Marwood: He's right, Withnail, look at him! withnail. Stop saying that! I might fetch you up a rabbit. Marwood: Get out of it for a while. Yet again that oaf has destroyed my day! Marwood: No we're not, we're here. Now, come along, I'm going to teach you how to peel a potato. No, no, no, dear boy, you must leave, you must leave. Because I don't advise it. We forgot to bring our Wellingtons. Trying for even more advantage. Withnail: Black puddings are no good to us. Withnail: Flowers are essentially tarts. He won't gore you. Night must fall and we shall be forced to camp. Withnail: Tactical necessity. Withnail:I'll not have this shag sack insulting me! Withnail: I've got a bastard behind the eyes. I think a drink, don't you? Withnail: This pill's valued at two quid. Marwood: Withnail : Right, you fucker, I'm going to do the washing up! We've got to get some booze. Withnail: Withnail: It's the only solution to this intense cold. Miss Blennerhassett, telephone the police. Maybe he's written this in some moment of drunken sincerity! Danny: Call Of Duty 4 Modern Warfare: War Quotes - YouTube The only programme I'm likely to get on is the fucking news! The meaning dawns on him. Danny: Best 25 Withnail And I Quotes By Bruce Robinson 2023 What the fuck are you talking about? But old now, old. Danny: We worked out it would be handy karma for him to get hold of a suit but he's a very low temperature spade, the Coalman. [voiceover] *I'll show the lot of you*! At some point or another I want to stop and get hold of a child. I'm in a park and I'm practically dead; what good's the countryside? The only people he converses with are his clients and occasionally the police. Please, let's go. An expert on bulls you are not! Marwood: Withnail: [whispering] He's going into your room. Withnail: Danny: When they take a holiday "by mistake" at the country house of Withnail's flamboyantly gay uncle, Monty, they encounter the unpleasant side of the . For reasons I can't really discuss with you, he had to go to Jamaica. Withnail and I is a comedy-drama film which got pretty popular. Sophocles. We want the finest wines available to humanity. let him get his drugs out! Get any more masculine than him and you'd have to live up a tree. My heart's beating like a fucked clock! Uncle Monty: Get that damned little swine out of here! Withnail: Uncle Monty: Oh, my boys, my boys, forgive me. Hare. Offer him yourself. Withnail & I (1987) - Ruthless Reviews I happened to be looking for a suit for the Coalman two weeks ago. No fridges, no televisions, no phones. Get any more masculine than him and you'd have to live up a tree. Monty: Burnt! Ponce! Look at him. Waitress: Much more of this and I'm going to apply for meals on wheels. hide. Plot - Withnail and "I" - the narrator - are two aspiring actors and friends who are looking for a job in London without success. Politics, man. If he comes into my room again, it's murder, and you'll be held responsible in law! Withnail: Where is he? Its landlord was a retired alcoholic with military pretensions and a complexion like the inside of a teapot. What on Earth are those? I've looked into it. What have you found? And we want them here, and we want them now! Marwood: Withnail: Withnail: Then stick it in the soap tray and save it for later. It used to give him bad tempers and act up said his wife. [holding him back] How like an angel in apprehension! I really don't want you to. [clearly drunk] I've no idea. I feel like a pig shat in my head! What had I done to offend him? Monty: It's you he wants. How dare you tell him that?! It's all your fault. 2010 Drama 24M views 2 years ago Uncle Monty - the end of an age ohheckforgotusername 157K views 11 years ago Withnail & I 30. Hare. I don't care where you come from! Uncle Monty: Here hare here here hare here! I recommend you smoke some more grass. Give in to it, boy. Marwood: A coward you are, Withnail! Withnail: You got a rush. Withnail: Would it be in bad form to plagiarise a toast? My brain's capsizing, I've gotta unfuck my brain! Marwood: We are not drunks, we are multi-millionaires! Stop saying that, Withnail, of course he's the fucking farmer! I need at least an hour for lunch., Even a stopped clock gives the right time twice a day. I'm glad you're the proprietor, I was gonna have to have a word with you anyway. "GET IN THE BACK OF THE VAN!" "I feel like a pig shat in my head." "Don't threaten me with a dead fish." "A coward you are, Withnail. Nonsense. This page was last edited on 1 November 2022, at 17:35. We're doing our best to make sure our content is useful, accurate and safe.If by any chance you spot an inappropriate comment while navigating through our website please use this form to let us know, and we'll take care of it shortly. Marwood: You never discuss your family, do you? You will make it low. I want to see about digging the car out anyway. Cunt gave him two years. Isaac Parkin: [cockily] Monty: You'll have to find us first. Marwood: Look at my tongue, it's wearing a yellow sock. He wants to get down there and have sex with those cows. I think the carrot infinitely more fascinating than the geranium. Withnail: Listen, Monty, there's something I have to explain to you. This is the reason bald-headed men are uptight. They walk down to the cottage. Marwood: I didn't call you inhumane. I think there may be something living in there, I think there may be something alive. Murder and All-Bran and rape. It is a bond filled with trust, unconditional love, understanding, and support. Withnail: (Wry smile) Sorry about that. [Withnail sees Marwood eating some brownish fluid out of a bowl with a spoon] [with his mouth full] We are 91 days from the end of this decade and there's gonna be a lot of refugees. We live in a kingdom of reigns, where royalty comes in gangs. Just say there are a couple of drunks in the Penrith tearooms and we want them removed. Monty: This huge, thatched head with its earlobes and cannonball is now considered sane. The greatest decade in the history of mankind is over. Withnail: Monty: Will it? You lose, you gain. What good's the side? That means we'll miss out Monday but come up smiling Tuesday morning. You can never, never disguise it. Danny: Marwood: Look at me, I'm 30 in a month and I've got a sole flapping off my shoe . Withnail: Works the lake, but keep it under your hat, hm? It's those dreadful beady eyes, they stare you out. There is a certain. It will pass. Tell him if you must, I no longer care. Monty: Four floors up on the Charing Cross road and never a job at the top of them. That means we'll miss out on Monday but come up smiling Tuesday morning. Withnail: Just think of it with bacon across its back. I took drugs to win medals says top athlete Geoff Woade.". Come on lads, let's get home, the sky's beginning to bruise. I'm gonna be a star*! Marwood: Stop saying that, Withnail, of course he's the f***ing farmer! This suit was cut by Hawke's of Savile Row! [getting up at the same time] There's a man over there that doesn't like the perfume, the big one. It's impossible to use 12 papers on one joint. Haven't seen Gielgud down the labour exchange! Withnail: Find *anything*. [eyes filling with tears] I could hardly piss straight with fear. We're in danger, we've got to get out. Just because the best tailoring you've ever seen is above your f***ing appendix doesn't mean anything! I've only had a few ales. I tried not to. I'm the firelighter and fuel collector. Peter Marwood ("I"): Stop saying that Withnail, of course he's the fucking farmer! So there's this judge sitting there in the cape like f***ing Batman with this really rather far out-looking hat. Withnail: Danny: Don't get uptight with me, man. They're selling hippie wigs in Woolworth's, man. Withnail: Marwood: "I'm going to pull your head off." The only programme I'm likely to get on is the fucking news. Marwood: Withnail: I must be ill. Withnail: Right, you f***er, I'm going to do the washing up. Hare. What happened to your cigar commercial? Keep back, keep back! Marwood: It'll pass. You been away? How dare you tell him I'm a toilet trader?! I say, you know what we should do? Danny: It's like Greenland in here. I've only had a few ales. Withnail: You mean we've come out here in the middle of f***ing nowhere without aspirins? [to Withnail] Yeah, I know, but I got the logs in. Withnail freezes in terror with a mouthful of pie]. The only thing youre in that Ive been in is this ****ing bath! I've absolutely no interest in yours. I don't want to hear anything. I called him a ponce. I've been to drama school. Marwood: The cottage. Then it was a rodent. Marwood: His name's Presuming Ed. Withnail: STANDS4 LLC, 2023. Richard E. Grant Is Making Self-Isolation Fun With Classic 'Withnail I'm gonna be a sta-a-a-a-ar! Withnail: No you won't, you're not leaving me in here alone. Withnail: What are you doing up here, then? Headhunter to everybody. the web and also on Android and iOS. Monty: Sort of said it without thinking. Withnail: Sons are the anchors of a mother's life. There's the supper. Withnail: Cooking's one of the natural instincts. How like a god! If I lay 10 mils of diazepam on you, it will do something else to your brain. Withnail: If I hadn't told him you were active we'd never have got the cottage. Monty: Cake. The purveyor of rare herbs and proscribed chemicals is back. Well, of course you don't, you are incapable of indulging in anything but pleasure, am I not right? Withnail: Free to those who can afford it, very expensive to those who can't. Why don't you go back? It sent chills up and down my spine when Keith quotes Prabhupada when he said . I don't want to hear it. *Get-in-the-back-of-the-van*! Withnail: Bastard asked me to understudy Konstantin in The Seagull. Outvie him. Withnail is walking him to the station in the heavy rain, they stop and look at each other. The movie, which takes place in England in late 1969, involves the misadventures of a pair of chronically unemployed actors. I don't know what's in here. I've already put two shilling pieces in. Start shouting. Marwood: Marwood: How dare you call me inhumane! Withnail: Listen, we're bona fide, we're not from London. Withnail: (Stirring) I deny all accusations. Your email address will not be published. Hello? Making enemies of our own futures. What goods the countryside? We might wanna do a film in here. Peter Marwood (I): Stop saying that Withnail, of course hes the fucking farmer! Withnail and I is a 1986 film comedy written and directed by Bruce Robinson and starring Richard E. Grant (Withnail), Paul McGann (Marwood, the "I" of the title), Richard Griffiths (Uncle Monty) and Ralph Brown (Danny). I happen to be the proprietor. Quotes from Withnail and I: The Screenplay - BookQuoters Withnail: It's the only solution to this intense cold. There must and shall be aspirin, or I shall die, here, on this fucking mountainside! That means we'll miss out on Monday but come up smiling Tuesday morning. Marwood: You are invited to spend an hilarious weekend in the English countryside. [voiceover] Here. Yes, but if it rains, we're buggered. by Anonymous: reply 16: February 3, 2021 10:58 PM: I've gone on holiday by mistake. But he's a very low-temperature spade, the Coalman. I think an evening at The Crow. Withnail & I - The Script - Tripod I've been to drama school. General: Then all at once those frozen hours melt out through the nervous system and seep out the pores. The bastard's about to run at me! [shouts out of the car window at a man standing on the pavement]. Withnail: And if I spike you, you'll know you've been spoken to. I assure you I'm not, officer. Calm down. [looking at a newspaper] [they've arrived at the cottage, it's cold and dark]. Tea Shop Proprietor: This boy's been out there frozen to the marrow and you just sit in here drinking. The carrot has mystery. Withnail: Man delights not me. Withnail: Withnail: *Arrrgh*! Jake: Withnail unfolds the note and hands it to Monty. What happened to my agent? Night must fall and we shall be forced to camp. Marwood: There can be no true beauty without decay. Followed by yet another anecdote about his sensitive crimes in a punt with a chap called Norman who had red hair and a book of poetry stained with the butter drips from crumpets. Oh my boys, my boys, we are at the end of an age! Reflecting these times. Lets take a look at the following list and find out the best Withnail and I quotes. Then they must be delighted with your career. Give me a downer, Danny. My wife is having a baby. Where did you school? I assure you I'm not [drunk], officer, honestly. [points a fencing sword at Marwood face] Quite freaked me at the time. Wait till the morning, we'll go in together. Withnail: Why don't you use a cup like any other human being? Withnail: Sulking up the hill. [a few minutes later, Withnail re-enters the cottage holding a wet stick]. We mean no harm! "Withnail and I Quotes." Jake: Now look, you. [extends arm with umbrella straight up to sky]. Not the attitude I'd been given to expect from the H.E. You shouldn't treat each other so badly. How noble in reason! Were incompatible. Throw yourself into the road, darling! Monty: Withnail: I assure I'm not [drunk], officer, honestly, I've only had a few light ales. Nothing that reasonable members of society demand as their rights! Withnail and I Quotes He can eat his ****ing radish. Maybe he's written this in some moment of drunken sincerity. Withnail: Withnail: Then why has my head gone numb? It's society's crime, not ours. Uncle Monty: Go with it. Top 65 Best Nikola Tesla Quotes On Energy & Success 2023, Top 70 Bengals Trivia Quiz Questions And Answers 2023, Top 68 March Trivia Quiz Questions And Answers 2023, Top 57 Airplane Trivia Quiz Questions And Answers 2023, Top 65 Philippine Literature Quiz Trivia Questions And Answers, Top 62 Chemistry Trivia Quiz Questions And Answers 2023, Top 63 Biology Trivia Quiz Questions And Answers 2023. Yes, we'll buy this place and we'll install a fucking jukebox in here and liven all you stiffs up a bit! They are playing poker with bottle tops and a . [approaching the pub] [after a phone call with his agent] [about Danny] Monty: Here hare here! Poacher. Marwood: [eating chips while taking a bath] Ive got your saveloy. [whispering] Stand aside! Marwood: And if I spike you, you'll know you've been spoken to. Danny: Listen, we're bona fide. Headhunter to his friends. Peter Marwood: That's alright, I'll go alone. You got a rush. That's what you'd say, but that wouldn't wash with Geoff. I hope you guys like our collection. You bloody fool, you should never mix your drinks! Withnail: The only programme I'm likely to get on is the f***ing news! Withnail freezes in terror with a mouthful of pie, ripping Withnail's tartan scarf off his neck, Withnail suddenly runs out of the pub, so does Marwood, Marwood is in the pub toilets, after walking past a hulking Irishman who's called him a ponce, Withnail picks up a bottle of lighter fluid, he pours the lighter fluid down his throat. But now he's stopped he's much better in our sex life and in our general life." How infinite in faculties! Marwood: My heart's beating like a fucked clock! This doll is extremely dangerous. Withnail: We've gone on holiday by mistake. Marwood: (Voice-over) Even a stopped clock tells the right time twice a day, and for once I'm inclined to believe Withnail is right. Uncle Monty: Here hare here here hare here! - And as Presuming Ed here has so consistently pointed out, we have failed to paint it black. I think the carrot infinitely more fascinating than the geranium. There are things in there, there's a tea-bag growing! Man delights not me, no, nor women neither. [after being threatened by Jake the poacher] What is all this tactical necessity and calculated risk? The only thing you're in that I've been in is this fucking bath! Saint Peter preached the epistles to the apostles looking like that. You want me to call whatshisname and ask him about his house? If you're hanging onto a rising balloon, you're presented with a difficult decision. Chin-chin. [they go and sit down at a table with their drinks]. Yes, as a matter of fact I have. Be seated. Jesus Christ, this huge, thatched head with its earlobes and cannonball is now considered sane. Monty: Withnail and I is a 1986 film comedy written and directed by Bruce Robinson and starring Richard E. Grant (Withnail), Paul McGann (Marwood, the "I" of the title), Richard Griffiths (Uncle Monty) and Ralph Brown (Danny). Warm up? Especially that little pimp! He's so mauve, we don't know what he's planning! Withnail: They're selling hippie wigs in Woolworths, man. Marwood puts his hand on Withnail's shoulder, they've arrived at the cottage, it's cold and dark, amorously puts his hand on Marwood's arm as he peels vegetables, he pulls its head off and tips some pills out of it, stands barefoot, about to leave Withnail and Marwood's flat. Wake up, you bastard or I burn this bastard bed down! It's impossible, I swear it. Withnail: How can it be so cold in here? Withnail: If you don't leave, we'll call the police. And indeed it goes so heavily with my disposition that this goodly frame, the earth, seems to me a sterile promontory. Danny: Monty, Monty! Marwood: (Voice-over) Danny's here. 2023. Probably on a tenner a day, and I know what for! Oh, my boys, my boys, we're at the end of an age. Monty: And yet, to me, what is this quintessence of dust? Brings back such memories of Oxford. We get in there and get wrecked, then we eat a pork pie, then we drop a couple of Surmontil-50s each. Danny: The thermostats. Withnail: Have you had any training in the martial arts? This is the reason bald-headed men are uptight. I'm a trained actor reduced to the status of a bum! Quote by Bruce Robinson: "Here. Hare. Here. Here hare here!" Now, look, you. Withnail: But sooner or later you got to get out, because it's crashing. Monty: Well, of course you dont, you are incapable of indulging in anything but pleasure, am I not right?