latest 178-4422 178-4423 3,4,6,7 755HP@1900RPM 378-7542,385-1166,395-1103,420-4249, C9.3 IND-A/B/C TIER 423-6599 DEC12 Replaced 313-2610,313-9569,321-7471,324-7647, 267-1866 10 385 HP 1800 328-3912 4 MAR08 822 HP @ 2200 RPM With factory installed 249-0708 injectors Seed, Start Volts: Warn Level, Discharge VAC Offset, and Frequency Track Window. C-12 950 @ 2100 RPM 74 Primary Secondary Reason Code 208.5 FAN-ON TEMP)(Replaces 191-2813), 335/370HP MT 1800 8YS1 UP 191-9920 329 OCT00 ******************************************************************************** 173-2897 173-2899 173-2898 173-2900 17 HOW TO FLASH CATERPILLAR ECM WITH CAT ET &FLASH Files YTECHAUTO 3 3.2K views 3 years ago The BEST Diesel Engines of All Time! 245-1998 9. 6. Version Flash Part No. Replaced 300-5342, C18 EP-50HZ Marine Aux 353-7993 75 OCT09 Flash Part No. ***************************************************************************, 355HP 1350PT 1800/2100RPM 6NZ1-53999 220-6640 70 MAR02, 355HP 1350/1450PT 1800 RPM 6NZ1-53999 220-6641 71 MAR02 Latest 261-7510 7, 3516 Auxiliary Series II Marine (A3 ECM) IMO Cert 2100 RPM engine overspeed software. II 8TC1413 10980 350 EPA 103 0R6651-00 800 @ 1440 EPA LoNox Cert. 267-7145 11 However, Marine Auxiliary engines that are 6TS00001 & UP, 435 HP 1650 PT BRAKESAVER 5EK05767-53003 185-1195 316 DEC99, 435 HP 1650 PT BRAKESAVER 5EK53004-67192 185-1201 346 DEC99, 435 HP 1550/1650 @ 1800/2100 5EK67193 & UP 186-9907 360 DEC99 kickout to 3kPa) PIR CMT-98-02 535HP@1700RPM 227-3843,234-4970,248-8771, 3406E Marine D Tier 271-8689 72 MAY05 latest 176-6148 176-6149 16,18,21,23 Interlock Code = 245 1050 @ 2100 RPM 76 Press EXIT MTB00001-00999 Replaced 263-2863,271-1395, 3406E FLASH File Cross Reference Updated 09/28/95. Click Browse, find and select/ click the file gsc1_ 0. ttf. Updated July 10, 2006, A3 ECM A3 ECM A3 ECM A3 ECM A3 ECM A3 ECM A3 ECM A3 ECM. 274 HP 2200 253hp 2000rpm 295-1537,303-8744,307-1468,318-9498, 470 HP 2100 RPM MT-350 KW-EURO3 335-7815 68 AUG08 800 @ 1500 Emergency. Share Module) for Generator Set Engines for details. 1125HP@1800RPM 245-1970 Improved 94-02 and 289-02 fuel pressure sensor misinstalled diagnostic strategy. 205-6947 37 allow customer to fine-tune engine controls calculation This file is either on a floppy disk or on your hard 550 HP 1850 LB-FT 2300 RPM BXS2035-up 305-4524 57 MAR06 REPLACED 228-8036,231-9246, C9 MAR-175EKW 50HZ AUX 394-5055 51 Jul13 14:CPI 108202 Eliminate E198 code low fuel pressure on shutdown 675 HP 2000 RPM, 992G MACH 3508B GT47 272-8014 29 MAR05 UPDATED 5/21/98. Version Flash Part No. Changed engine coolant flow switch debounce 11. Chip Version Reason ARTICULATED TRUCK Tier 3 203-9242 N/A 22, 25-33 4. Using a version of the viewing software, a Ctrl-D (event log dump) will now also include information from Ctrl-N 259-8369 6 East Europe *************************************************************************** Replaces 383-3506,432-5961, C18 MAR-600HP PROP 447-2897 197 NOV13 speed when J1-P26 is grounded. latest 178-9617 178-9618 18-22, 60 HZ, 1200 RPM, EPA CERT (LAND Electric Drive) will remain constant for at least 10 minutes at the lowest speed before 386-1740,395-1078, C13 MACH-980/982 MWL 450-5582 OCT13 2.45 Program Corrections 26. Previously the injector trim codes defaulted to 1100 (no adjustment) and no diagnostic was present. 231-9965 231-9966 Debounce on the coolant level switch is now 3 seconds 316-1763,318-7031,320-0295,326-3608, Primary Service Backup Service Reason (3KR562-566,568-726,728-UP) Replaced N/A, C18 Marine 312-3381 45 JUL08 176-6188 Replaced 395-1128,374-6348,371-8892,360-7455,358-1199,3516658, C9 MACH-627 WTS 447-8668 19 SEP13 Replaced 245-0841, KAL1-12897 w/ Field installed 238-8091 Injectors SEP06 IC 45 300-0458 67. Primary Secondary Reason Code the table for 2.43 and 2.44 in the revision history below. REPLACED 177-5388, 222-9269 SEE REHS1385, 657E/3412E Dual HP Tractor NXS00001-UP Primary Chip Backup Chip Reason Replaced 314-3443,316-1772,318-7040, This should help to reduce false high inlet air restriction 144-3658 144-3660 144-3659 144-3661 110HP@2200RPM 209-9742 209-9743 25-37 Current production Flash files for the four Electronic Control Modules Correct the issue with slave MMUs not closing their static switches on extremely short walk-ins from the 320C Tier II S/N Range Injector P/N Date Code Interlock Flash File Flash Part No. 98HP@2300RPM Be certain to verify that the new software strategy will not adversely effect vessel control systems that utilize this output before flashing the ECM with the new software. not previously activate the general alarm relay. 149-6160 149-6161 files is listed in the cross reference entitled "3500 with EUI 406HP 1800 Replaced 290-0420, 230 HP 2400 RPM 172 KW-EURO3 331-0120 73 APR08 Interlock Code = 246 Replaced N/A, 777C/3508B Retrofit 294-4943 35 AUG06 EURO3 275 HP @ 2200 CKM 1 and up 246-8278 214 NOV03 Basic Engine Requirement Chip Version Reason 245-2007 Replacement 900 RPM, HEAVY WEIGHT, LO BSFC, JWAC Truck Engines 6NZ and 7CZ and EGH (Gov.) HORSEPOWER TORQUE SPEED RANGE FILE CODE DATE Replaces 379-9473, C32 MAR-1800RPM-PROP 433-3605 MAY13 Auxiliary applications only. 540 HP @ 1800 RPM 630 @ 1800 RPM It was latest 227-4881 46 II.V 2EK1 Up 425@2000 HT 19 0R6643-00 Fix user defined shutdown. improve engine performance, From 196-7335 to 198-0189: 149-0323 149-0325 149-0324 149-0326 435@1800 Dual HP for PTO 5EK67193 & UP 185-1204 338 DEC99 Service Replacement Reason *Parameter is for Attachment controller software*. I know its out there as i know people that have it. 700 @ 2100 RPM Replaced 398-7430,432-5963, C18 MAR-624HP AUX 447-2899 195 NOV13 Flash Part No. REPLACED 198-7495, 218-7503,235-6134, 3412E Marine C 218-7491 39 MAR02 D11R 9TR1-Up Tractor 3508B Engine Minimum oil pressure map for low oil pressure warnings is now 69 kPa at low engine speeds. 250 HP @ 2200 CKM10424 and up 246-8284 205 NOV03 316-1733,318-7041,320-0305,326-3618, 4. 478 HP @ 2100 RPM 630 HP @ 1900 RPM 207 371 HP @ 1800 RPM BRAKESAVER, 435/500HP 1550/1650 2100RPM 2WS00001 & UP 215-7846 61 MAR02 REPLACED N/A, 3406E Marine E Tier PSO 307-9876 35 JAN07 830 EKW @ 1800 RPM 88 UPS 300 CNJ00176 and UP Latest software services these 241-0772,251-1769, 430 HP 1800/2100 2KS40000 71999 270-7013 29 APR05 Flash Part No. *********************************************************** SPEED RANGE CODE REPLACEMENT CODE DATE Primary Reason Code Primary Chip Backup Chip Reason From 141-6732 to 146-5703: Flash Part No. Flash Part No. FML 1-UP w/ Factory installed 238-8091 Injectors NOV09 IC 55 353-8652 223HP 2000 806 @ 1800 RPM 226 5FZ1-UP 228-3168 10/2002 Replacement Flash Part No. 260-3779 6 Primary Chip Backup Chip Reason Replaced 245-0834, KAL1-12897 w/ Field installed 238-8091 Injectors SEP06 IC 41 300-0465 Replaced 288-8540,291-2015 Flash Part No. Replaced 260-5883,267-8347,299-1768, C6.6 MACH-559/579 KBL FP 437-0031 13 APR13 Support for Muli- Torque/ DualHP strategy Haliburton During a discharge and when the UPS does not have a valid input or bypass source, its output 348-4767, 625 HP 2050 LB-FT (RV) 2100 RPM SDP00001-UP 365-1183 65/165 Nov10 180-8679 180-8680 REPLACED 149-5385,150-4718, C15 365C ACERT STD 447-0881 3 AUG13 176-6080 176-6082 176-6081 176-6083 18,19,20,21 Latest 273-9095 13-27, 3516 EPG 1800 RPM (A3 ECM) Certified Replaced 233-1768,257-5802, 3406E 735 394 HP/2100 RPM 316-9924 6 JUL07 Replacement Replaced 312-1420,314-3459,315-5890, 265 HP 2100 860 @ 1500 Emergency. 19. MULTITORQUE, 575/600HP MT 1850/2050PT 2100RPM 7CZ1-02799 220-8246 103 MAR02 241-0780,251-2214, 550HP 1850PT 2100RPM 6NZ1-53999 270-7071 97 APR05 327-4540,333-5965,334-1308,343-5765, KAL 1 12897 w/ Factory installed 233-3535 Injectors APR04 IC 16 247-4634 Primary Reason Code 259-8382 6 271-7413,278-0389,298-8545,311-6855,434-3929, C15 MACH-D8T TTT 444-9757 4 OCT13 500kVA Certified Primary Reason Code 185-3007 185-3008 371-8849,379-4901, C9 IND-A/B TIER PSO 443-3006 OCT13 180-4812 180-4813 180-4814 180-4815 1,3 UPS 900 CRY00271 and UP Interlock Code = 252 Replaces 383-1255,432-5970, C18 MAR-1136HP PROP 447-2906 190 OCT13 latest 205-7027 4, ************************************************************************** Version Flash Part No. From 136-1581 to 187-1256: 2200 RPM engine overspeed 9. 205-7013 The engine uses the speed control signal to determine desired UK COMMERCIAL DEFENSE PRODUCT-COLD TEST RATING REPLACED 215-1502,229-5806,234-4960, 600 HP 2300 9HP1 UP 246-1161 31 MAR05 Replaced 320-8754,344-2790,368-3628, C6.6 MACH-930 MLIT SWL 443-8400 70 AUG13 MULTITORQUE 473 HP/1800 RPM control module before programming it, a failure while flashing the module 1550/1652 HP @ 2300 1500 @ 2100 RPM 923 @ 1800 RPM 7 New High Altitude Advance on Acceleration timing map to 26. 800 @ 1500 Emergency. Fix known problems 922 HP @ 1800 228HP@2000RPm Most dealers would use 176-6172 176-6173 16,18,21,23 REPLACES 198-3273,220-8249,237-0711, Replaces 316-9767,323-5769,348-9182, C4.4 MACH TTT D3/D4/D4/D5 447-2929 OCT13 261-7514 7 It contains 316-1864,318-7010,320-0381,326-3670, 547bKW 60HZ 733HP@1800RPM ******************************************************************************** Part Number 365-1589,366-8310,375-2376,379-0975 153-3040 153-3041 650/720 HP @ 1800 HI HP with new style injectors 273HP@2000RPM Replaced 235-6145, C18 MAR-PROP SCAC 447-2912 180 SEP13 latest 230-9544 45, 46 Chip Version Reason 171-2464 171-2466 171-2465 171-2467 1 304-8425,306-9220,308-4281,313-7221,328-3918 167-0587 167-0288 12 UPDATED 13 March 1997. 372bKW 60 HZ 499HP@1800RPM 6. Injector E-Trim feature has been updated. 947hp @ 1800Rpm 437-0402 5 APR13, C27 IND-A/B Tier O&K SHOVEL RATING 3. latest 206-8719 4, 50 HZ, CONTINUOUS/PRIME/PRIME+10/STANDBY, LO BSFC * Flash Part No. RFT injectors II 8TC8792 UP 330/350LT NAR LCV 114 1019284-00, II 8TC8792 UP 330/350LT NAR LCV 114 0R6658-00 Torque map change 9CK1 5000 and 5EK1 5000 can NOT be flashed with NOV95 software. The Required The general alarm relay will now 267-7166 11 *************************************************************************** Flash Software Download web site. This 138-1385 138-1386 Service personnel should make a note of each item reviewed. 231-9077,235-8806, 773F/C27 ACERT 330-6542 4 Apr09 Learned speed set to 1350-1750 RPM 764 HP @ 2100 Correspond to Individual Clear and All Clear Latest 259-8258 259-8259 8, 3512 Propulsion Series II Marine (A3 ECM) IMO Cert 152HP@1800RPM 260-3784 6 S2G1-UP S2F1-UP 1835 RPM, LIGHT WEIGHT, C RATING, IMO CERT 185-2994 185-2995 148HP@2000RPM As of 1/1/2001 the LEC Click Open 133-4661 133-4662 The Low Coolant Temperature warning strategy has been improved. 200-7860 NA 348-4756, 475HP 1650/1850 LB-FT 2100/2300 RPM SDP00001-UP 365-1172 52/152 Nov10 REPLACED 189-3382,185-7555, Factory flash files for the Flash memory programming of onboard ECMs. FT RATING 247 CML1-UP 228-3168 10/2002 227-9354 3126 Truck 210HP 520 lb-ft, 2400 RPM Date Code SEP02 825G transmission control 185-8099 Added ability to program hours and total fuel via ET. Version FIELD UPRATE ONLY 425 HP 2100 3NL1 UP 137-9563 137-9565 17 AUG 96, DESCRIPTION GOV S/N FLASH SERVICE ITRLCK RELEASE Chip Version Reason 500@2100/490@2000/ 5130B 4CS1-Up Excavator Tier I Certified Flash Part No. 1200/1250/1300/1350/1400 HP @ 2300 Replaced 291-0106, 625 HP 2050 LB-FT 2100 RPM MXS00001-UP 329-8557 6 APR08 EPG 440-9726 27 JUL13 161-1801 161-1802 Replaces 266-6501,282-5096,292-2224 rather than load > 50% 865 HP/1800 RPM 435/500HP 1550/1650 OIL WELL SERVICE, 500HP 1650PT 2100RPM BRAKESAVER 6NZ1-53999 220-6664 89 MAR02 Replaced 246-4700, 251-7415,260-1449, 400eKW/kVA Non-Certified SPEED RANGE FILE CODE DATE logical location for them. See The strategy now uses engine load as well as coolant temperature to determine if the engine is being over cooled. 271-2950,283-5123,291-2079, 435 HP 1550/1750 LB-FT M/T 2100 RPM BXS2035-up 305-4509 45 NOV06 REPLACED 221-9323,249-0078, 3412E Industrial 263-4034 138 OCT04 157-3690 157-3692 157-3691 157-3693 Replaces, C18-MAR-AUX SCAC 50HZ 384-2781 198 APR13 880 HP 1750 RPM, D9L/3412E TTT 215-7419 143 MAY03 UPDATED December 21, 2000. 151-7190 151-7191 11 are ignored. 257 CMM1-UP 228-3168 10/2002 206 6. March 29, 2004 1785 RPM, HEAVY WEIGHT, LO BSFC (Special) ***************************************************************, 60HZ, 1800 RPM, LOW EMISSIONS Flash Part No. 57. 633E/3408E (2PS0290 UP) Altitude derate causes the EMSII "!Stop" light to flash. 203-9236 N/A 22, 25-33 Replaced 386-6353,432-5966,447-2901, C18 MAR-803HP AUX 447-2903 191 NOV13 (208.5F FAN-ON TEMP), 300 HP 1800 9CK1 UP 188-8080 305 DEC 99, 325 HP 1800 9CK1-18308 188-8081 302 DEC 99, 325 HP 1800 9CK18309-UP 188-8086 326 DEC 99, 325/350 HP 1800 9CK18309-UP 188-8087 327 DEC 99 MULTITORQUE 1450/1550 PT, 425 HP 2100 9NS1 UP 191-9934 330 OCT 00 325 HP 1900 2PN1 UP 120-8935 12 APR 99, 350 HP 1900 2PN1 UP 120-8951 11 APR 99, 365 HP 1900 2PN1 UP 120-8922 13 APR 99, DESCRIPTION GOV S/N FLASH P/M RELEASE 259-8399 6 320-0372,326-3661,327-4529,333-5954, 1. Latest 271-0378 66 939HP @ 1800RPM 71 201-1681 Chip Version Reason 458HP/2000 RPM latest 185-1856 185-1857 16,18,21,23 time a particular module is flashed in order to take advantage of the latest 229-0275 N/A 46 295-4732,301-5708,319-1823, 777F/C32 ACERT 344-8246 102 Apr09 267 CMP1-UP 228-3168 10/2002 Simultaneously the message Code update: receiving data will appear in UPS View. (24/12 Hour clock), 221-8839 Add retry process for software download Replaced N/A, C32 Marine ACERT PRIM 311-0220 82 APR07 However, if a new personality module is not REPLACED 161-0571,161-0572,201-9913, D10R/3412E Phase III Test 209-2020 51 MAY01 FLS/FTS power adjustment added. II.V 8TC10981 Up 310 CARB 102 0R6657-00 latest 231-4997 2312-4998 46 I have try and flash it again with the file above (3468837-00) Engine -ATA S/N 00466239JJ and the CAUSE is The ECM was unable to program a byte of memory ERROR CODE 536576. Rev. III 4CK1 10214 425@1800 w/o Brksv 21 1457975-00 out of this new software to avoid the 101-13 problem. 2. REPLACED N/A, C15 MT835 AGCO 361HP/2100 RPM 341-7346 119 NOV08 In addition, the absolute value of the fuel filter differential pressure is now used for display purposes and event logging. They have been replace by Low NOx files. Expansion MMU CSY00192 and UP. IT38G traction control 170-4871 456HP@1900RPM Chip Version Reason Replaced 245-6000,251-4596, 470 HP 1650 LB-FT 2100 RPM KCB6812-UP 262-4539 85 AUG04 REPLACED 189-3379,185-7551, REPLACED 284-8388,297-6809, C18 Marine 271-8701 20 SEP05 148-2943 148-2944 (OIL FIELD ONLY), 350 HP 1800 9CK1 UP 188-8082 301 DEC 99, 365 HP 1800 9CK1 UP 188-8083 309 DEC 99, 300 HP (2T7318) 1800 9CK1 UP 188-8088 334 DEC 99 164-2038 164-2039 9 These parts Most dealers would use Cat ET to flash this 176-6148 flash file into the ECM. 136-9332 136-9334 The chips will be phased out in the future as 789C Off Highway Truck *********************************************************** Replaced 220-6646,241-0793,251-2217, 435HP 1550/1650PT 1800/2100RPM 6NZ1-53999 220-6647 76 MAR02 REPLACED 151-7073,161-0567,201-7440, REFERENCE 224-5869 IC 207 21. 393-1081,393-1596,417-4481, C4.4 MACH-CPPI 442-7982 101 SEP13 2. *************************************************************************** III 4CK1 Up 365 HT MT Top4 w/o 34 1457935-00 4. FOR USE WITH NEW STYLE INJECTORS (198-4752) (208.5? Made single display LEDs behave as system LEDs and have them remain lit when any MMU has a notice or 159-4667 flash file in it. 266-2738 9 Primary Service Backup Service Reason available whenever you flash software. Replaced 300-1776,307-8356,309-1847,312-4777 185-3031 185-3033 185-3032 185-3034 Changed crankcase pressure sensor filter to 25 from 225. 387-6748,390-9119,418-1332,420-1689, C6.6 MACH- 930 SWL 443-8399 52 AUG13 138-8810 138-8812 138-8811 138-8813 S/N Range Injector P/N Date Code Interlock Flash File Service Replacement 327-4502,333-5986, 410 HP 1550 LB-FT 2100/2300 RPM LEE00001-UP 337-7343 71/171 OCT08 ********************************************************************************, 60 HZ, 1200 RPM, PRIME, LO BSFC, JWAC 205-6934 37 D6R drivetrain control 191-5019 159-4667 159-4668 6 Primary Reason Code 60 HZ, 900 RPM, CONTINUOUS/PRIME, LO BSFC, JWAC 5EK53003 Replaced 310-8366,311-6972,314-2930, 0HP@0RPM 624 @ 1800 RPM 6TS00001 & UP. ********************************************************************************, 3516B 1800 RPM RFT Injectors 2. 860 @ 1440 EPA LoNox Cert. left to right and display a number in % that will increase form 0% to 100% as the bar moves right. 1650 PT Small Track Type Tractors, The following is a list of serial numbers that are not available on the Chip Version Reason 464 HP @ 1800 RPM If the switch wiring is not 972G implement control 187-8499 Solution to EMSII 248-02 code and light flashing issue gate driver boards. Replacement Flash Part No. This circuit currently serves no function and can be disconnected latest 205-7022 4, 50 HZ, PRIME/STANDBY, EMISSIONS Refer to Special Instruction REHS0532 and 230-1567 3126 Truck 300HP 800 lb-ft, 2200 RPM Date Code OCT02 ================================================================================ *Parameter is for Standard controller software* when the direct fueling option is enabled. Version Flash Part No. latest 229-0274 45, 46 12. Oil Well Sevice 250 HP @ 2200 1WM/7LZ/4ES 1 and up 188-8059 306 JAN00 360 HP @ 1850 RPM timeout logged diagnostics. ************************************************************************ New Advance on Acceleration timing map to improve engine Primary Chip Backup Chip Reason Replaced 251-4586,264-6685, 410 HP 1450 LB-FT 2100 RPM KCB00508-6811 291-2059 32 MAR06 Replaced 311-6989,312-1400,314-3434, Replacement Flash Part No. Chip Version Reason only monitoring one network at a time. Model No. If a single 233-3534 injector is replaced with a 239-6871 Injector w/seals ************************************************************************** Aluminum pistons (was 170-8179), 410 HP 1450 PT BRAKESAVER 5EK05767-67192 185-1189 329 DEC99 760 HP @ 2100 These "chips" are made available for a very small percentage of Flash Part No. REPLACED 313-7563, C18 Marine SEC 327-0237 105 MAR08 FOR USE WITH NEW STYLE INJECTORS (198-4752) 2300RPM TEL FIELD UPRATE ONLY 6TS00001 & UP REPLACED 204-7206, 3456/EPG Interlock Code: 27 262-8908 NONE NOV04 Replaces, EP ENGINE RATING FLASH RELEASE 1800 RPM, HEAVY WEIGHT, EMISSIONS FAN-ON TEMP) 1350 PT, 355/410 MT 1800/2100 9NS1 UP 191-9937 327 OCT 00 161-8016 161-8017 Service Replacement Reason 268-8084,275-0630, 3196 730 ARTICULATED DUMP TRUCK Flash Part No. Replaced 228-8023,235-1372, *500 515 1850 2100 Brakesaver avail. FLS/ FTS default to Not Programmed on a new ECM. SPEED RANGE FILE CODE DATE HEV (Hybrid Electric Vehicle) 330 HP @ 2400 7AS 1 and up 246-8229 317 NOV03 Latest 273-9062 13-27, 3516 EPG 1200 RPM (A3 ECM) Replaced 340-1103,347-3441,355-9837, DESCRIPTION GOV S/N FLASH P/M RELEASE Suggested low idle Replaced 314-3433,316-1762,318-7030, Chip Version Reason latest 230-9543 45, 46 198 HP 2000 575 HP @ 1300 234-7582,236-8702, 435/500 HP 1550/1650 LB-FT 2100 RPM MBN00001-UP 272-6612 220 MAR05 208-6653 (7FR001-263 w/o PS8971 update) (Replaces 170-8082), 325 HP 2100 2PN1 UP 190-0228 309 DEC99 517HP/2000 AWK1-272, AXT1-316 1450HP@2300RPM 177, C32 MAR-AUX 60HZ 396-8923 184 SEP13 UPS 250I APZ 1.0 See the 789C Off Highway Truck Tier I Certified ARTICULATED TRUCK 245-1978 1169 kPa for the D11R-B only. REPLACED 214-3349 SEE REHS1385, 775E/3412E Tier II 314-2910 60 MAY07 559 HP @ 1800 Replaced 250-2816,263-2560,283-3458,336-0965, C15 ACERT PM150 500 HP/1900 RPM 271-7805 69 JUN05 Replaced 251-4588,264-6692, 430 HP 1550 LB-FT 2100 RPM KCB00508-5433* 291-2065 41 MAR06 pressure value would cause Engine Vision to display "Error". 5096HP@900RPM 19 Flash Part No. Replaced 239-4118,239-5982,255-7343, C32 Marine High Power 255-7342 149 APR04 366-5916,366-9965,385-1168,395-1115,419-6672, C15/IND INTERLOCK CODE=150,151,152 367-0750 Oct10 (5SS1 UP) Allows changes to the configuration with in the first 100 hrs. 6. ====================================================================== Click Browse, find and select/ click the file APSLI_ COMPRESS_ 2_ 44. mot. EMC EMC0637.bin DEC 95 625 HP @ 1400 for use with 172-0802 ECM From 136-9332 to 148-6513: 1450 PT (was 170-8176), 410 HP 1450 PT 5EK05767-67192 185-1188 319 DEC99 latest 224-3082 45, 46 Description: Cat Factory flash files for the Flash memory programming of onboard ECMs. 201-1676 N/A 22, 25-33 pumps & motors after flashing new software. 266-4750 9 7. With factory installed 246-7843 injectors ARTICULATED TRUCK, 3406E D400E Series II 8PS/9AP 174-4885 88 MAR99 224-3067 N/A 50 Addition of 1.0% oil burn feature 771D transmission control 201-4703 860 @ 1500 EPA Cert. Replaced 313-2608,313-9567,321-7469,324-7645, With new injectors 132-3747 132-3748 327-4510,333-5994, 470 HP 1650 LB-FT 2100/2300 RPM LEE00001-UP 337-7351 62/162 OCT08 270-0300,271-2920,291-2022, 370HP 1450 lb-ft 2100 RPM KCA1457-up 305-4398 37 NOV06 Chip Version Reason turning with short interval. 646 HP @ 1800 20 hour Free Event Clearing which eliminates need for 128-9515 128-9516 310 HP 1150 PT 5EK05767 & UP 185-1177 333 DEC99 Replaced 225-2371, HEP07580 & UP I'll e-mail you the diagnostic procedures. 5. RANGE NUMBER PART NUMBER CODE DATE Replaced 248-7631,251-7446, 299 HP 2000 latest 205-7026 4, 60 HZ, PRIME/STANDBY, LO BSFC, JWAC II 8TC1413 Up 350 EPA MT Top4 121 0R6683-00 Replaced 251-4592,264-6690, 410 HP 1550 LB-FT 2100 RPM KCB00508-6811 291-2063 39 MAR06 FLASH files are located in the following directory in Windows (directory dependent on the site you download the game from, in this case it's Steam): C:\ Program Files\ Steam\ steamapps\ common\ [Game Title]\ flashbacks. (Only compatible with 259-8418 or 10R2878 turbo installed) 1050 @ 1800 RPM 28 151-7175 151-7177 151-7176 151-7178 2 267-1885 10 234-4958,243-0702,246-1143, 490 HP 2300 9HP1 UP 246-1159 29 MAR05 135-0182 135-0183 Version Flash Part No. Flash Part No. 9. 5XM1-Up 3TS1-Up 3PS1-Up 545 transmission control 172-4623 Replaces 398-2107, C7 MACH 950H MWL 437-8307 30 JUL13 100-hour programmable parameter grace period has been restored. Defense and Federal Products Instrument Panels) would activate a 91-08 Speed Control Output This feature can be utilized the part number of the removable chip inside the ECM that contains 183-7503 183-7504 176-6108 176-6110 176-6109 176-6111 18,19,20,21 Increased wastegate derate from 20% to 30% 148-2929 148-2930 2300RPM TEL FIELD UPRATE ONLY, 500HP 1750/1850PT 2100 RPM 2WS00001 & UP 215-7850 39 MAR02 963C drivetrain control 199-7184 1500/1550 HP @ 2300 See 740 EKW @ 1800 RPM 23 NXS00001-UP Version REPLACED 192-4860,250-8498, 3456/EPG Interlock Code: 21 262-8913 NONE NOV04 Version correctly in the next release. New torque maps 148-2935 148-2936 272-3110,291-2024,295-1515,303-8722,307-1446,318-9476 Replaced 248-7458,251-7441, 4. 1. Flash Part No. 267-1884 10 Chip Version Reason 420 @ 1500 EPA Cert, 190 HP @ 2300 8YL 1 to 8YL34999 246-8271 102 152 NOV03 575HP @ 2100 RPM 410 HP 1550 LB-FT 2100/2300 RPM LEE00001-UP 337-7334 50/150 Nov10 3176B FLASH FILE CROSS REFERENCE 3512 W/EUI MARINE PROPULSION