The Great Serpent Mound itself has been dubbed a National Historic Landmark, but some of the most fascinating discoveries were made during a four-year excavation that revealed countless buried artifacts. The information was published nationwide and since then more than 200 cases have been reported as: "found giant human remains". However, not everything is as it might seem when you read articles about the latest discoveries especially when you turn to websites like World News Daily Report. Always a self-starter, Ive taught myself many different things and have ended up with a large variety of skills and hobbies in both old and new and have recently started putting them to use in the Internet. A team of archaeologists from the University of Adelaide supposedly excavated the skeleton, which is a whopping 528 centimeters (174) tall! However, absolutely nothing stands out in terms of archaeological discoveries that showcases that these ancient races ever had anything beyond what we do. As far as I know, no one ever contacted Hinsdale or . 2 Remains of medieval giantess discovered in 12th century grave has one of biggest human skulls ever . Some independent researchers are skeptical of the find, claiming the skull might actually belong to a species called the Denisovans, which is a known human ancestor whose face has never been seen before. Heres why each season begins twice. The top photograph from the WNDR article is available via Reuters along with the caption: A French archaeologist from the French National Institute for Preventive Archaeological Research (INRAP) works to finish up the excavation of remains from a preserved woolly mammoth skeleton, nicknamed 'Helmut' by the excavation team and estimated to date from 125,000 to 200,000 years ago, at a quarry site in Changis-sur-Marne, East of Paris, November 8, 2012. Again, the bones supposedly turned to dust after excavation. This is hardly the first time that images supposedly showing "giant human skeletons" have gone viral online. It has been reported that the world-renowned and highly trusted Smithsonian Institution was allegedly accused in a lawsuit of covering up the existence of giant humans in our past. I guess its a serious site, but thanks to this post, we discovered the inappropriate use of images that haunt the internet, we know that the public domain but the image of researchers digging belongs to a National Institution of government in Mexico (INAH, you should Google it. 10 Forbidden Places Where Outsiders Are Arrested (Or Worse), 10 Forbidden Destinations That You're Not Allowed To Visit, 10 Truly Unbelievable Claims Of UFO And Alien Encounters, Top 10 New Mysteries And Insights From Unusual, Top 10 Craziest Copyright Claims Ever Made, 10 Little-Known Prehistoric Beasts With Incredible, 10 Ridiculous Claims That Sound Made Up But Aren't, 10 Bizarre Claims That Humans Didn't Originate On Earth, 10 Controversial Toys You Might Already Have in Your Home, Ten Absolutely Vicious Fights over Inherited Fortunes, 10 Female Film Pioneers Who Shaped the Movies, Ten True Tales from Americas Toughest Prison, 10 Times Members of Secretive Societies and Organizations Spilled the Beans, 10 Common Idioms with Unexpectedly Dark Origins, 10 North American Animals with Misplaced Reputations, 10 Alleged Discoveries That Suggest Giants Existed, 10 Alternative Theories That Could Change Your View Of History, Top 10 Clowns You Dont Want To MessWith, 10 Signs You Might Have Already Been Abducted by Aliens, Top 10 Unbelievable Things Found Underwater, 10 Weird Gestures From Around The World Explained, Top 10 Heinous Crimes Involving A Childs Toy 2020. Sofia News Agency, Novinite, reports that the skeleton was found in what was once the ancient city of Odessos, a trading post established by the Greeks towards the end of the 7th century BC. In 1892 the bones were studied carefully by Dr. Paul Louis Andr Kiener, professor of pathological anatomy at Montpellier School of Medicine, for which he admitted they represented a "very tall race", but nevertheless found them abnormal in dimensions and apparently of "morbid growth". A year later, the website ScienceVibe passed this content off as if it were genuine news. What is wind chill, and how does it affect your body? It has been reported that the world-renowned and highly trusted Smithsonian Institution was allegedly accused in a lawsuit of covering up the existence of giant humans in our past. Researchers have named the species Homo longi, which informally translates to "dragon man." The skull is the largest Homo skull ever found, and the researchers say it belonged to a male in. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. The skeleton, dubbed Little Foot, was discovered in the Sterkfontein caves, about 40 kilometres northwest of Johannesburg when small foot bones were found in rock blasted by miners. Become a. Scientists estimated the person was just over 244 centimeters (8) tall. The idea is that some form of major meteorite hit the region and took everything with it, thanks to the discovery of meteorites and various other factors across the land. Scientists determined the skull was approximately 600 . In another Iowa mound, archaeologists allegedly uncovered a large chamber in which they found 11 skeletons, all kneeling with their backs to the walls. [1] Some of their skulls may have had horns, others double rows of teeth! The earliest archaeological evidence of leprosy is found in a 4,000-year-old skeleton unearthed in India in 2009. There isnt much documentation on this extraordinary find, and its not surprising, either, considering the implications to mainstream science. For instance, according to two newspaper articles from the same week of July 1913, the Daily Telegraph and Pittsburgh Press, a scientist, Dr. A.W Furstenan, excavated a 244-centimter (8) skeleton on Catalina Island. The high radiation levels found near the ruins as well as the massive widespread destruction of the region leads to the logical conclusion that something almighty but natural hit this part of the world and wiped out everything that once lived here. IronKite started with an aerial photo of a mastodon excavation in Hyde Park, New York, in 2000. It was actually discovered near the Ayers rock, and is quite easily the largest skeleton which has ever been found. Well, They Just Might Be! On October 7, 1895, a paper called The World reported that the biggest giant ever known had been dug up near San Diego. An old hoax has resurfaced in an Instagram meme claiming that giant skeletons were found but . Ata's skull narrows to a ridged peak. Researchers in South Africa have unveiled what they call "by far the most complete skeleton of a human ancestor older than 1.5 million years ever found." The New York Times, May 4, 1912, reported the discovery of 18 giant human skeletons in southwestern Wisconsin. This image is copyrighted mentioned hope you can respect that, because they are serious investigations by professionals. As you can see, this immediately casts doubt on what is the only source for that information out there on the web. How is this possible. That picture was taken byDenis Gliksman of the Institut national de recherches archologiques prventives (INRAP) and is available on the French website Sciences et Avenir with the following caption (loosely translated via Google): HELMUTH. With no real answers at this moment, only speculation, every new find just adds something new and scary to the tables. For example, another New York Times article on August 10, 1891, reported a discovery by the Smithsonian Institution of pyramidal monuments on Lake Mills, near Madison, Wisconsin. The legs were 7 meters high and have been found in the mountains of the Amazon. Some people also think that these are the remains of aliens. The excavation was supposedly done by a trusted group of investigators, including Dr. G.P. The bones were reportedly sent to the French Academy of Sciences for further study. Subscribe to our free newsletter and join our subscribers. Many specialists are already looking at the idea that the old Uluru civilization must have been wiped out in the past. But she'd like to know more. 11:12. Look around the web long enough and you shouldnt have many problems finding the various stories over the years about massive human skeletons being found. He achieved a height of 2.72m (8 feet 11.1 inches) and weighed over 200kg at his death. The person who found it isnt even real! I guess if jackasses do not believe in human 15 footer skeleton remains,,, then one should buy a plane ticket, fly to Australia and use ones own eyes to figure it out. "You can't just study the disease, you have to look at the wider impact of how people functioned in society, and whether they were treated any differently," Roberts said. The skeleton dates to 4240-4100 cal yr BP, corresponding to the Longshan culture (4400-4000 yr ago). Giant Human Skeleton unearthed in Varna, Bulgaria. 1:11. At six feet, eight inches, he would have towered over his contemporaries. The Steelville library recorded details of the find, including a photograph of a 6-foot-tall man lying next to the skeleton for comparison. This is when a leading editorial, Voice, produced the discovery of a giant skeleton in the past. You should read this article with an open mind and come to a conclusion yourself. Due to where they were discovered, the skeletons were dubbed Minatogawa Man or Minatogawa people. Even more bizarre, they reportedly found a huge, rusty iron helmet and a giant sword 2.8 meters (9 ft) long.[11]. ", Minozzi noted, though, that imperial Roman high society "developed a pronounced taste for entertainers with evident physical malformations, such as hunchbacks and dwarfsso we can assume that even a giant generated enough interest and curiosity.". On January 21, 1899, the Miamisburg Daily Telegraph printed the headline "Gigantic Body Recovered" right after the largest human skeleton ever, or so they thought at the time, was reportedly discovered in Ohio. By age four, Anna was said to have stood 137.16 cm (4 ft 6 in) tall and weighed 42.64 kg (94 lb). Various unusually large specimens, including huge jawbones, were discovered beneath the mound alongside burial relics. Wei Gao via the Guardian There is no military intervention here and its not been cordoned off and blacked out in the media. Marcus Lowth is a writer with a love for UFOs, aliens, and the Ancient Astronaut Theory, to the paranormal, general conspiracies, and unsolved mysteries. This is a landmark achievement for the global scientific community and South Africas heritage, said Habib. Please be respectful of copyright. That's a big head, indeed. More than 100 human skeletons discovered in Unnao, UP. This was an 8 6 skeleton. Few discoveries are as shrouded in mystery and intrigue as those of human remainsespecially unusually large ones! They eventually ended up in Philadelphia, at the American Investigating Museum, but were apparently stolen and havent been seen since. And if it is real, do not let Smithsonian near it,,, or its History. Ignasse, Joel. Humans may have just found a long-lost relative. 1.Robert Wadlow Robert Pershing Wadlow, often known as the Giant of Illinois, was the tallest man who ever lived. Professor. While this measurement is already impressive, the skeleton is missing its shin bones and feet, meaning that the complete set of bones could have measured 8 feet or more. When funding was cut from Gliddens excavation project, he resorted to putting his findings up for display in a personal museum that got rather mixed feedback. The researchers' study, published in the journal Innovation, said the skull came from a previously undiscovered human species that lived in northern China. Although this claim originated with a well-known entertainment website a disclaimer on the site explains that all of its content is "entirely fictional" and satirical in nature the above-displayed text and photographs continued to spread online by third parties. Odessos was a mixed community made up of Ionian Greeks and the Thracian tribes (Getae, Krobyzoi, Terizi). Massive 1,100-pound bone of 'world's biggest dinosaur' found. Unfortunately, it looks like this might have been yet another hoax that was taken from an image manipulation competition on the web. I live in Northwestern Pennsylvania in the United States of America, in one of the Original 13 I like to say, where I grew up with a fascination for collectibles like baseball cards, coins, stamps, and old bottles just to name a few. The alleged gigantic human specimen was found near the only known megalithic ruins in Australia, which also perplexes the scientists even more. Theres every bit definition that you would expect to find, with clear points showing that this isnt some gimmick or a coincidence of fossils lying together; this is all the one thing. How did this mountain lion reach an uninhabited island? Donehoo, who was the Pennsylvania state historian, and two professors, A.B. The biggest dinosaur ever discovered goes on show in London later this month, clocking in at a massive 57 tonnes and 37 metres long. The Giants of Ecuador. (2) Abraham Lincoln in 1948 stated in a verse that the bones of the dead . 0:45. . The cause of this ancient Romans early death is unknown, but is likely to have been linked with the complications often associated with Gigantism. Compared to modern Japanese people, Minatogawa Man had a lower and wider skull and was also shorter - 1.55 meters (5 feet 1 inch) for the males . What if we could clean them out? Which travel companies promote harmful wildlife activities? Research into ancient DNA extracted from the skeleton has helped scientists to build a portrait of Cheddar Man and his life in Mesolithic Britain. ruled during the Third Dynasty of the Old Kingdom, evidence of the oldest known case of Gigantism on Earth, accelerated growth in the skeleton with the exception of the skull, since the average Egyptian was much shorter, the average size of humans during this time period was much lower, indicating that they were held in high regard, his peers, who averaged around five and a half feet tall, affects only around three out of every million people, the first known complete specimen from the ancient world, cause of this ancient Romans early death is unknown, evidence suggests that hed have grown even taller, Beneath a 5 by 15-foot mound lay an unusually large skeleton, the complete set of bones could have measured 8 feet or more, visible marks indicating where muscles were once attached, were very sturdy and suggested a great deal of strength, to feel around for artifacts but found human bones instead, including a photograph of a 6-foot-tall man lying next to the skeleton, found in a sitting position and had been arranged to face due east, one of the largest conical burial mounds in the world, excavated around 800 different gravesites on Catalina Island, a German naturalist discovered an 8-foot skeleton in the area as well, up for display in a personal museum that got rather mixed feedback. Significant sightings A mans world? To find out if the skeleton had gigantism, the team examined the bones and found evidence of skull damage consistent with a pituitary tumor, which disrupts the pituitary gland, causing it to overproduce human growth hormone. These animals can sniff it out. Our Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, I did warn you the entertaining would be brief. There is nothing believable about this once you take the time to delve into who the main players are behind the images and why it all even exists in the first place. The editor, P. Deivamuthu, made an unreserved apology for being hooked with the hoax., or redistributed. In July 2015, the World News Daily Report (WNDR) entertainment website published an article about a 5-meter-tall (approximately 16.5 feet) human skeleton that was unearthed in Australia: The gigantic hominid specimen that measures an incredible 5.3 meters tall (17 foot and 4 inches) was discovered near the ancient ruins of the only megalithic civilization ever discovered in Australia, which makes the discovery twice as puzzling admits professor Hans Zimmer of the University of Adelaide. Recovery Talk 'Premature' After Mortgage Rates Surge Past 7%, Rubio Proposes Permanent Daylight Saving BillHeres Why Its Likely To Fail, Again, Florida Senators Ask Biden To Allow Novak Djokovic To Play Miami Open Despite Covid Restrictions, These Major CompaniesFrom Snap To Instacart Are All Using ChatGPT, DeSantis Disney District Board Appointee Has A History Of Homophobic Comments, Biden Has Skin Cancer Cell Removed Following Same Operation On First Lady, Big Tech's $200 Billion Surge Leads Stock Market RallyBut Rate-Fueled Optimism May Be Fleeting, Marjorie Taylor Greene Ramps Up Anti-Ukraine Rhetoric: Zelensky Wants Our Sons And Daughters To Go Die, CPAC Chair Matt Schlapp Says Bigot Nick Fuentes Was Booted From Event Over Antisemitic Comments, Here Are 20 Major Cities Where Home Prices Are Dropping The Most, All Covid Origin TheoriesIncluding Lab LeakOn The Table, WHO Director Says, Murdaugh Jury Needed 45 Minutes For Unanimous Verdict: Evidence Was Clear, Biden Sides With Republicans On A Bill To Reverse D.C. Criminal Justice ReformsHeres Why. A team of international researchers studying an ancient skull determined it belongs to a newly discovered species that's more closely related to modern humans than Neanderthals, but others in the scientific community say the skull might belong to a mysterious, but already known ancestor. The claim: Giant human skeletons were 'found by the thousands' and destroyed by the Smithsonian. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Subscribe to our free weekly newsletter to receive the latest articles directly in your inbox. Dragon Man Fossil Skull Found in China Tells Story of Unknown Human Ancestor (The Wall Street Journal), 'Dragon man' claimed as new species of ancient human but doubts remain (NewScientist), So Long, Homo Stupidus. Hello, Intelligent, Compassionate Neanderthals (Forbes), This is a BETA experience. 210,000-year-old human skull in Greece is the oldest found outside Africa By Ashley Strickland, CNN Published 1:02 PM EDT, Wed July 10, 2019 Link Copied! who is responsible for protecting the cultural heritage of our country). These photographs were taken in France (not Australia) in November 2012 and show an archaeologist excavating the remains of a woolly mammoth that was found at a quarry site near Paris. Although the shape of his skull was normal, the cranial capacity of a human skull averages at between 950 - 1,800 cm (57.9 - 109 in) depending on age and body size. 2",, This page was last edited on 10 January 2023, at 19:07. Theres more than one, but the most recent discovery found in Australia at 5.3m tall is one of the most impressive yet. Two Facebook posts sharing allegedly authentic videos of giant skeletons can befoundhereandherein a group called Ancient Giant Tree Truth.. Height, 8 feet or more. A young boy named Billy Harman was taken by surprise while he was searching for arrowheads: he reached into a hole to feel around for artifacts but found human bones instead. The opinions and discussion in the comments below are not the views of UFO Insight, they are the views of the individual posting the comment. HELMUTH. hey i know where that images came from, and of course are fake, the images came of an paleonthologic discovery of an hadrosaur tail in Coahuila, Mxico, the guys in the image are paleonthologhist of the Mexican National University, i know them, an that images are fake, i got all the original photos of that excavation. These skeletons may have the answer, Scientists are making advancements in birth controlfor men, Blood cleaning? Signs of accelerated growth in the skeleton with the exception of the skull indicate that Pharaoh Sanakht suffered from the condition and likely died at an early age. Another perplexing problem was the creatures apparent physique, which was allegedly proportioned like a human but had a skull more like that of a gorilla.[5]. You can in any case discover this skeleton in plain view there today. All characters appearing in the articles in this website even those based on real people are entirely fictional and any resemblance between them and any persons, living, dead, or undead is purely a miracle.. and the true identity of skeleton is still not known! We arent down with the whole idea of if the mainstream media ignores it then its not true but weve not seen anything from any source that would even be slightly believable. All the same, you might want to take these claims with a bag of salt. Finds of giant skeletons were reported often prior to the 1950s and many times in Wisconsin. Whatever the Roman giant's lot in life, the information to be gleaned after his death might someday further science. Finding such skeletons is rare, because gigantism itself is extremely rare, today affecting about three people in a million worldwide. The above-displayed pictures, of course, do not actually show a 5-meter-tall skeleton. 18 Strange Skeletons Found in Wisconsin Nine-foot Skeletons with Huge Heads and Strange Facial Features Shocked Scientists When They Were Uncovered 107 Year Ago Scientists are remaining stubbornly silent about a lost race of giants found in burial mounds near Lake Delavan, Wisconsin, in May 1912.